[BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
@SkarlosVilliers ehhh... did you mind reading the title? Or at least the very first post? It is a BATCH file and those work only on Windows.
And again... this is something completely different than the fullscraper, so your post will be disregarded here. -
Nice soft !
How to add "Standard (3img)" and "Standard (4img)" to prefer images please ?
@Genetik57 not the same soft
here you are in the BATCH version
You refere to 3img or 4img MIX profil, they are only avalaible in universal xml scraper
(And you can change it in the Mix Profil Menu)
@screech Mince, j'utilise les deux logiciels pour compléter mes scrapes
Fastscraper est rapide comme l'éclaire, dommage qu'il n'y a pas cette fonction
petite astuce pour UXS V2 : si tu participes à la BDD : http://www.screenscraper.fr/ et que tu t'identifie avec tes identifiants screenscraper sur UXS, tu peux scraper plus vite
This tool is amazing thank you! I was just wondering if there was a way to remove the Region at the end of the Game title? eg. Mario Paint (JU). Thanks!
@davidwrightini just edit the batch to:
set useNoIntroName=-use_nointro_name=falseand you will get the name from SS instead.
I have a problem: i put newest scraper.exe from scraper_windows_amd64.zip and your .bat into the roms folder of my pi3 via wlan. but the bar doesnt find the scraper.exe, although i can normally start the scraper.exe there. Hes saying something about UNC folder.
Any hints?
Thx -
@Erinjy read the instructions! this works only on WINDOWS!
@paradadf said in [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper:
@Erinjy read the instructions! this works only on WINDOWS!
Thx for the quick reply, that was the failure. I got another problem now though: When i copy the xml and the image folder onto the PI the images arent shown and if i update the gameliste via the ui it always resets the gamelist (your.bat created) and nothing happens...
Edit: It seems that the gamelist created by your .bat doesnt contain the right path, how can i change that?
@Erinjy it contains the right path... You must stop EmulationStation before copying the
with the command:/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop
and start it again after the copy is finished with/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
that worked, thx alot.
Just tried this yesterday, worked very well but had a few problems.
atari5200 and supergrafx had no successful scrapes. ROMs are from No-Intro set.
FBA had almost no successful scrapes, only 154 out of 4156 worked, that number should have been several hundred right? Or should it be almost all of them?
I thought maybe the directory name causes it to scrape from different sources so I tried fba, fba_libretro, and mame, same results for all. ROMs are from the set called FBA v0.2.97.38 .
Maybe there is still a problem with mamedb causing so many failures?
@slakka sselph's scraper doesn't use ScreenScraper as a source for arcade systems and mamedb has been offline for weeks, so your success rate will be very low there.
Wirh this batch, as long as your folders have the words fba, fba_libretro, mame or neogeo, it will be recognized as arcade, with the different options currently available. Even, for example, fbaANYTHING_ELSE will recognize the fba from the beginning.About atari 5200... I have never scraped that system and have no idea about how full the database is. The no-intro romset for supergrafx is definitely on the database (there are only 5 games). But if you have problems scraping your roms, then double-check the SHA1 of your files with the ones on SS. If they are not the same, and for the new roms to be added, you need either a software called FCRC-Calculator (check the MD5 hash) or the missing.txt from another scraper called Universal XML Scraper (scraper with much more options and recognizes arcadd systems ;)) to be submitted on IRC at #screenzone.
Look for the how to about screenscraper and the tutorials about Universal XML Scraper (short: UXS) on this forum. -
@paradadf Ok so I guess arcade scrape is out for now.
I checked a few of the Atari 5200 ROMs, SHA1 values matched those on SS. There's data there, descriptions, box art, etc. and the total number of ROMs from No-Intro's set is the same as the total number of games on SS, 107 games. Maybe my directory name should be different?
@slakka directory names are only important if you scrape arcade systems. For the rest, you can call your folders whatever you want. The only thing I can think of is that sselph's scraper hashes the unzipped rom, so even if the .zip hash is on the database, the .a56 (or whatever) might not. Those are the ones that need to be added.
what database/website does it get its data from? I'm keen to have a look.
@eb2016 all the information is here.
For example:
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/2594/batch-scrape-your-roms-on-your-pc-fastscraper/9 -
Does this have issues at all with Gameboy Advanced? I just ran it on a bunch of systems and it worked fine but it didn't scrape any of my GBA titles.
Please, read the thread if you want to know how everything work. Just a few messages before I wrote this:
It depends on the data source you choose and if the rom hash is in that database. Like all scrapers, it is always better to use no-intro romsets.