Testers team - Looking for people
Thank you
I added you
Hi! Â M'y Github account: Arganis31 https://github.com/arganis31
Added @Arganis. The preparation of the 4.0.0 is nearly over, the real work of this team will begin with the 4.1 version test
Mon compte github pour ma maigre contribution: ron2cuba
Hello hello! My Github account is: https://github.com/cluf20 ++
I suppose you can count me in if you like. Â I'm D3m0n1q733rz. I'm curious to see if this version of Recalbox will include the most recent version of Binutils. Â One of the biggest problems I had was getting it to compile binutils with gold and plugin support for LTO. Â It would have sped things along. Â It took me a while to figure out to include the flags in the configuration for Binutils, LD and GCC, and the rest in the actual make command line. Â Perhaps we could include a method to include all flags for used (pre)compilers in the configuration file with support for ${foo} to copy GCC flags to things like Graphite, LTO, FD, etc. Well, I can't promise how much help I'll be outside of compiling. Â I've been more focused on Binutils and helping get those bugs out, but I had been trying to optimize this compilation a few times for better speed in certain emulators otherwise considered dramatically slow or stuttery. Might I recommend trying to profile the runtimes of some of these programs for further optimization on a recompile via -fprofile-generate --fprofile-dir=profile and --fprofile-use on pre-builds? Â It's just a thought. Â The only issue is that we won't end up using the entire program on some profiles, so it will help minimally. Anyway, that's my two cents worth. Â I'll look forward to helping out on anything with this project. Thanks!
Not sure if you need more help but my github account is esmith13 https://github.com/esmith13 What I bring to the table is a collection of every model Raspberry Pi, except the Zero for now (I have Models A, B, 2B and 3B). I also have original and gasia PS3 controllers as well as wired and wireless xbox controllers (360 and XBOne), in addition to a collection of generic USB controllers and an IPAC2 board.
I'm here to help too, my username is "retrogamenx". I was trying to compile recalbox-buildroot last night and it's not finishing. Unfortunately I didn't save the log output. I'll try again later on!
hello I wanted to participate in the beta testing community.
Add me? https://github.com/snoopyk
Still looking for testers ? I'm here : https://github.com/Djiit
I see most of people applying lately here have their 1st post on the forum.
Anyway God is on holidays, so he'll have a look once back
It's always a good thing to mention your pi version, screen resolution, available pads
@digitaLumberjack make up your mind for new testers, eventually
Here I am
https://github.com/jomofcw -
@jomofcw oh God, it's not Friday yet
That's why you should hire me now ! On Friday I won't be able to test anything than the wine...
Can I participate too?
You know me under the nickname: Neogeronimo
I was not really present these days for my health problems who have returned.
But now that I am at rest, I have time to kill -
@Pascal-Coudair you need github account