GPi Case with Pi Zero 2 running Recalbox
Hey folks,
I'm new here, I have been getting my GPi case set up and seems to be running really nicely with Recalbox but I have noticed one issue, when I use it with just the 3 rechargeable AA batteries it seems to get stuck starting up with the initialisation graphic popping up and fading out repeatedly.
It works just fine using the power jack so I was wondering it its just not getting enough power from the rechargeable AA's as they are only 1.2v and need the higher 1.5 from regular cells?Thanks,
how much mah do the batteries have? mine have 2100 mah and it works for 1.5 hours.
@zing Thanks, this pretty much explains things, I should have some decent Duracell batteries in the house, will try those out, if that works I'll get some lithium AA's that run at the 1.5v. If that doesn't do it I'll just use a power cord to at least get past the boot and wait in case there is a fix or fit a lipo.
Thanks again for linking those and to both of you for replying.