[Question] Having hotkey & Fast forward on the same button
Hi, i want to speed up the battle in pokemon or other games, i know of the Hotkey + right function, but if it is active i cant perform any other actions like controlling the menu in the battle. Thank you
@zehanort You cannot set hotkey & Fast forward on the same button, the most you can do is set the hotkey to a button other than select (not recommended, but possible), and set fast forward to another button.
Hotkey = R2
Fast forward = L2You can make a Configuration overload file for this, for an entire console, or, just for a game, read the documentation:
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/advanced-user/configuration/configuration-overload
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/advanced-user/configuration/configuration-overload/retroarch-overloads
Use the survey tool and you will notice that some users here on the forum have already successfully done configuration overload (not for this purpose).
admin 11 Nov 2021, 00:00