Emulation Station / ES won't start / boot
Hello ES won't boot anymore. Haven't added new roms or changed anything. any help?
the ES-log file:
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.875] (INFO ) : [StaticLifeCycleControler] RecalboxConf instance created.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.875] (INFO ) : [StaticLifeCycleControler] NotificationManager instance created.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.876] (INFO ) : [MainRunner] EmulationStation - v 7.2.2-Reloaded, built Jun 17 2021 - 23:26:32
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.877] (WARN!) : [Locale] /usr/bin/locale/lang/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/emulationstation2.mo not found.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.877] (WARN!) : [Locale] /usr/bin/locale/lang/de/LC_MESSAGES/emulationstation2.mo not found.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.877] (WARN!) : [Locale] /usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/emulationstation2.mo not found.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.877] (INFO ) : [Locale] Using /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/emulationstation2.mo
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.878] (INFO ) : [StaticLifeCycleControler] Board instance created.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.878] (INFO ) : [Hardware] Hardware BCM2711
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.878] (INFO ) : [Hardware] Pi revision c03114
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.878] (INFO ) : [Hardware] Default hardware interface created.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.878] (INFO ) : [StaticLifeCycleControler] AudioController instance created.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.885] (INFO ) : [PulseAudio] Connected to Server.
[2021/07/25 11:24:10.885] (INFO ) : [PulseAudio] Enumerating Cards.Here it stops while my other rasp4 with same configuration works fine and has more info in the log file.
@zing First of all - thank you for your reply but you are practically telling me that this is a problem of the SD Card... so i tried to repair etc... no change.
So I bought a new SD Card.
Fresh install of Recalbox. Scraped my movies and TV Series in Kodi. Added some roms and scraped them. Restart worked, so I shut down everything at night and tried the next day.
ES or Kodi doesn't start at all again. I get the splash screen (without sound) and then It stops at the black screen with the pacman ghosts...
So before I throw my raspberri pi 4 against a wall (or switch to retropie or something else)... could you please tell me what is going wrong here (as far as you can)?!
kind regards.
@neo207 Can you start ES from this screen with the procedure I suggested?
2 - Or, check if the problem is not just with the emulationstation:
- Start your Rpi4 until you reach this screen
- on a computer or smartphone, open a browser (could be Chrome or Firefox, etc.)
- in your browser's address bar, type:
- This will open the Recalbox manager.
- There is a part with Stop and Restart EmulationStation options
- Click on
Restart ES
, and wait a few seconds
I notice you have a history of KODI issues, isn't that any kodi manipulation that's causing this?
@zing first of all, thank you for your help/time. I appreciate that.
I tried everything you mentioned and ended up trying another OS (don't want to advertise others than Recalbox so no name as long as you don't ask).I have zero issues with games, although i prefer recalbox in general. I still use recalbox for my arcade machine but will stick to the other OS for the living room, where we mainly use the Pi for KODI.
and a HUGE SURPRISE... the CEC Adapter works fine now with the other OS. I never managed to get my remote working with KODI/Raspberry Pi4/Recalbox. But now, it works out of the box, without any tweaks. just plug and play.
So I am happy with Recalbox in my arcade cabinet and another OS in the living room for KODI.
kind regards.
CEC Adapter
The developers are working on it, hopefully when the next version is released (no prediction) it will be resolved and you can get back to using Recalbox.
- 21 days later
Hello, i have actually the same problem each time i launch the command "Restart system" from Emulation Station.
From Cold start, ES starts normally, then each time i try to reboot recalbox, the issue occurs.So i start a new fresh install on a new sd card but problem is still the same
config :
- RecalBox 7.2.2 reloaded
- Raspberry 4b 2Go
- SD Card 16GB / 256 GB
- USB Encoders, Sanwa Joysticks
admin 11 Nov 2021, 00:00