Non of the roms are starting since 7.2.2
Hi All,
I had a working 7.1.1, the system updated to 7.2.2, but now it says to almost all roms (e.g. to C64 roms, even the built-in ones) that It appears your game didn't start at all!.
Tried with different emulators in c64 but same problem.
Any idea?
I have a Rpi3.
I have tried to reinstall the entiry system, but no change.Thanks
Okay not sure what happened, but i have reinstalled the system again and now the games are starting.
Now i cannot connect my Xbox controller via bluetooth, so it seems i am facing with issues all the time -
Okay the original problem is back.
Fresh system but the games are not starting. -
I had a working 7.1.1
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready?
I have tried to reinstall the entiry system
Did you install a clean image of the latest official release, or did you reinstall 7.1.1 and update again?
Sorry for the late reply.
So not sure what happened.
I have used the Raspberry Pi imager software (the latest version).
I have installed first with my laptop built-in SD card reader.
There was no error at all, but still caused that problem.
It was working once, but not again.
Then i have used an USB SD card reader last time and now it is working.
Not sure if there is any relation, but so far works properly.
The SD card seems to be okay, i have did a slow format as well.
There weren't any single error message during all the installs. -
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready?
Did you install a clean image of the latest official release, or did you reinstall 7.1.1 and update again?
As i mentioned i have used the Rpi imager software from the site, which downloads automatically the latest stable release. -
admin 11 Nov 2021, 00:00