31 May 2021, 06:04

Hey everyone,

I wanna play N64 games. In order to keep my save files, retroarch needs to be properly closed, otherwise my save games will be deleted.

For this purpose I need to enter the retroarch menu via a hotkey combination (hotkey + ButtonX).

I can change (or disable) the hotkey manually using the retroachcustom.cfg and this will be saved. However, if I change the other button for the hotkey combination (eg. ButtonX -> ButtonY) this setting will be overridden when opening retroarch again.

I'm using the input remap when starting retroarch with the Mupen64Plus_Next core but this shouldn't make a difference right?

Is there any opportunity to make changes to the hotkeys? I would like to disable every hotkey option except of entering the retroarch menu.

Btw, I also have a similar issue when I'm trying to use different graphic plugins. These options are also not saved.

Thanks in advance!