@NGC2264 I don't know if this model is compatible, see if it helps:
Power on/off button on OKDO Power-HAT Case
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the power button working of the OKDO Power-HAT Case on the RPi4.
On Raspberry Pi OS works with:
dtoverlay=gpio-poweroff,gpiopin=18,active_low=0 dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=17,active_low=1,gpio_pull=up I tried to put these lines in config.txt but does not work.
An help would be appreciated, I'm not so expert on this kind of stuff.Thanks!
@NGC2264 I don't know if this model is compatible, see if it helps:
@Zing I saw that and works fine with a generic push button, the problem is with this power hat.
I think I have to edit something in /recalbox/scripts/rpi-pin56-power.py but I have no idea of what to change. -
@NGC2264 Sorry, but I don't have enough technical knowledge to help, the only content regarding this rpi-pin56-power.py script that I found was:
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/22366/carte-wm8960-et-bouton-on-off-pin56push -
Small step forward, in /recalbox/scripts/rpi-pin56-power.py I replaced GPIO from pin 5 to 17 and now by pressing the power button the RPi4 shutdown.
Now would need to setup the power on and LEDs behavior.