i've bought an Wii U Pro Controller Clone but i can't get it to connect.
First i've tried to connect it to the internal Bluetooth of the Raspberry Pi 3.
After that i disabled the internal Bluetooth in the config.txt with dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt and tried to connect it with
a Bluetooth Dongle but again no Connection.
I've read somewhere that these Wii U Pro Clones only work with a Bluetooth Dongle and not with the internal.
On Amazon where i bought it, someone said in his rating that he got the controller to run with Recalbox 4.0.2 but only with
a Bluetooth Dongle. (I don't know if he also disabled internal bluetooth)
I'm running Recalbox 6.1, maybe something changed.
Does anyone in this Forum got any luck with these Wii U Pro Clone Controllers and got them to connect?
I really would like to keep them because the are well made for the price.