Adding roms to the boot usb??
Either I'm blind or I suck at searching or I am missing something obvious
I just installed recalbox using etcher and got it running (with a bit of issues), tried launching something preinstalled and got a black screen and had to force shut down by pressing the power button.
Booted windows and tried to add games and it has 3 partitions, BOOT (:F)/USB DRIVE (:G)/USB DRIVE (:H), I cant access drives G and H and it keeps telling me to format the drive.
I know that G is image or something since its only around 2 gigs and H is the blank drive, I also read that it can only be accessed in linux or something I cant use a 2nd port to get the roms because its all taken by peripherals and dont plan to since I want to use it as a on the go hijack other's hardware type thing.
TL;DR how do I add roms to the boot usb from windows 10
@pkek we have a series of video tutorials (activate subtitles).
@paradadf is there no option to transfer on a single pc?? I dont have a secondary computer i can use to transfer the files over
@pkek yes, there are many. Using a linux live version to properly see the SHARE partition, installing a software on Windows to be able to read and write on linux partitions (never tested it but people say it works), copying the roms to another usb drive and either copying stuff from the command line or through kodi‘s file manager or directly, assuming you have the roms on the same pc you are trying to use recalbox, just using kodi‘s file manager to copy the roms from your hard disk to your recalbox share‘s partition.
What I've done (and not sure if it's completely safe to do) is use a partition manager, format the partition with the remaining space to FAT32 and load the ROMs on that through windows. Then point recalbox to that partition.
Again, I'm not sure if that's the recommended way to do things, but it worked. With that, I am simply a casual gamer and could care less if things got corrupted.
@sag508 In PC version, if I'm not mistaken, just press F1 on Emulationstation, which will open a file manager, and with that you can copy ROMS from a USB stick to RECALBOX, for example.