[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
Short question: Do I need a special Mediaset configuration for scraping media with Skraper?
@starmagoo Hello! What do you mean with "Mediaset"? For now you may scrap with any mixes but i'm working on a special mix for better video integration
@paradadf Sorry, I didn't even know that I can participate and change Screenscraper's data source the time I was reviewing my local gamelist.
Further I don't know if anybody else wants the things changed the way like I did.
Regarding genres for example, it was a bug in Skraper, these tags even where missing at all for a longer time period, even though the tag was existing at Screenscraper's database. In this case the only way was to add them locally.Next time I scrape (for example when adding more systems on a Pi 4 with more RAM), I'll try to do changes online.
v1.2.1 available
just released a patch version to fix musics loudness.
Your ears will enjoy it! -
@myst Merci, le son est nickel !
@myst Look, in Skraper you can choose different Mediasets like "5 Image Mix", "Box 2D", Box 3D", Box 2D (Side)" and so on. Is a certain mediaset relevant for a good look?
@starmagoo internal mix > screenscrapper v2 looks great for me, but i'm working on a special mix for this theme for a better video integration
Another teasing...
Hi @mYSt ! You are doing an amazing work with this theme!
I know it takes hundreds of hours to achieve such work, I'm sure everyone that is using it is gratefull -
@myst thank you, it's nice to hear it
Hi @myst !
Excellent idea you have to include the video snap inside a console or a screen !
With the support + 3d box, it's a must ! -
@myst hello, system freezes when selecting 3-Light Blue in Theme Menu
@jorgemagana Hi, thx for reporting, will be fixed next release
@myst Alors franchement, bravo. Ca me tente franchement
Tu as une idée de la date de release ? (question de jour ? semaine ? mois ?)Et il y aura toujours la possibilité d’intégrer le synopsis, non ? je ne le vois plus dans ton dernier teasing...
Merci en tout cas, de la belle ouvrage !
@myst thanks
@myst thanks for the hint. All I can so ist the 3d Box or the video in the gamelist. How can I change this to your example?
regarde le problème que j'ai sur mon odroid xu4 assez souvent , j ai utilisé la version 1080 et 720 et j ai toujours ce problème -
@starmagoo as i said you need to scrap using internal mix > screenscrapper's recalbox v2 and add the video as well, that's the ones i used for my screenshot
@ViRuS-MaN hum aucune idée je ne pense pas pourvoir intervenir sur ce genre de pb (soit un pb hardware soit un pb de emulationstation)