[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
@scavy said in [Recalbox 6.1][Complete][Snap Videos] Next Pixel theme:
@myst Merci, oki. Ptet que @bkg2k peut nous proposer un mix vidéo+autre média via skraper lors d'une prochaine mise à jour ? C'est réalisable ?
C'est drole on l'a évoqué ce matin mais ne compte pas trop la dessus c'est trop complexe pour pas dire impossible en l'état.
Mais ma petite "bidouille" marche pas trop mal -
@myst Oki, je comprends, je ne me rends pas compte de la difficulté. C'est déjà génial qu'on est la vidéo lol On en veut toujours plus mais on sait être aussi content de ce que l'on a
Short question: Do I need a special Mediaset configuration for scraping media with Skraper?
@starmagoo Hello! What do you mean with "Mediaset"? For now you may scrap with any mixes but i'm working on a special mix for better video integration
@paradadf Sorry, I didn't even know that I can participate and change Screenscraper's data source the time I was reviewing my local gamelist.
Further I don't know if anybody else wants the things changed the way like I did.
Regarding genres for example, it was a bug in Skraper, these tags even where missing at all for a longer time period, even though the tag was existing at Screenscraper's database. In this case the only way was to add them locally.Next time I scrape (for example when adding more systems on a Pi 4 with more RAM), I'll try to do changes online.
v1.2.1 available
just released a patch version to fix musics loudness.
Your ears will enjoy it! -
@myst Merci, le son est nickel !
@myst Look, in Skraper you can choose different Mediasets like "5 Image Mix", "Box 2D", Box 3D", Box 2D (Side)" and so on. Is a certain mediaset relevant for a good look?
@starmagoo internal mix > screenscrapper v2 looks great for me, but i'm working on a special mix for this theme for a better video integration
Another teasing...
Hi @mYSt ! You are doing an amazing work with this theme!
I know it takes hundreds of hours to achieve such work, I'm sure everyone that is using it is gratefull -
@myst thank you, it's nice to hear it
Hi @myst !
Excellent idea you have to include the video snap inside a console or a screen !
With the support + 3d box, it's a must ! -
@myst hello, system freezes when selecting 3-Light Blue in Theme Menu
@jorgemagana Hi, thx for reporting, will be fixed next release
@myst Alors franchement, bravo. Ca me tente franchement
Tu as une idée de la date de release ? (question de jour ? semaine ? mois ?)Et il y aura toujours la possibilité d’intégrer le synopsis, non ? je ne le vois plus dans ton dernier teasing...
Merci en tout cas, de la belle ouvrage !
@myst thanks
@myst thanks for the hint. All I can so ist the 3d Box or the video in the gamelist. How can I change this to your example?