5 Jul 2018, 07:49

I will try to continu in English from now on, as @Flavor (Ed Mandy, the project leader) will otherway not be able to read here. 🙂
I advance, so first I found in my stock an unpowered USB Hub working for Wifi+USB keyboard. I dont wanted to use a powered Hub, I have only one Freeplay CM3 😉

I also understand functioning off the power momentary switch. In general you must hold it till the green led comes on. This was not working in Recalbox, and the reason is simple. The gpio 20 must be activated during loading of the system, to maintain the power. I resolved this for the moment with an entrance in config.txt.


And for shutdown, same procedure with desactivation. Therefore I badly needed for Recalbox my tooth stick.....
So, this should be in start and shutdown shells, peanuts and I will make this in near future.
But first, I must have the GBA-box on my local network, I think my job from today.