Freeplay CM3 GBA clone Kit.
@dragu Make sur your binary is in /usr/bin + also make sure it has executable rights. Then simply create a /etc/init.d/S02ili9341
which should hold:#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash start() { /usr/bin/fbcp-ili9341 & } stop() { } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; esac
You should use an absolute path to the file. Easy way to test it : in SSH, just run
/etc/init.d/S02ili9341 start
and tell us about the outputThe next good idea would be to daemonize the fbcp thing, but that's absolutely not mandatory
@Dragu S02fbcp-ili9341 seems to be e bit early to try to start fbcp... you should try S13 after S12populateshare
The script give me an error with ...... start/etc/init.d/S02fbcp-ili9341: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
line 10 is just the closing accolade for stop (because no content ?)
} stop() { }
@dragu ah yeah indeed. Just add a
echo -n ""
Yes, echo -n"" helpedStarting in ssh was ok, but not as S02.... in /etc/init.d
So, I put the lines into started automatic by S99custom. And it works just after the loading screen. So takes some time. Do you think it could be loaded before splash screen, or not possible ? -
@dragu as ian said, and i forgot about it : the usual fbcp is started rather late (somewhere in S13) most probably due to device setup time. So rename it to S13blabla
Ok, guys, thanks alot. S13... was the solution. So, I will not bother you anymore,till tomorrow
Bonjour étant extrêmement nul en anglais serait-il possible de savoir ou en est la possibilité de faire fonctionner un freeplay avec recalbox ?? Est ce ça mise en œuvre est compliqué et faut il que je me tourne vers retropie ???
@acris je sais même pas ce que c'est ce matos
faut que je regarde / I don't even know what this stuff is: I have to look at it.