[SOFT] Skraper
Your example is not correct
The "Gamename" is Tempest X3, thats correct.
But the matching "Romnames/Filenames" are different.
Go to screenscraper Homepage, log in and search for the Tempest X3 Game.
Click on it and look in the "ROMs/ISOs" field.
You will find for example:- Tempest X3 (USA)
- Tempest X3 (Europe)
- Tempest X3 (USA) [SLUS-00283]
And on Skraper Soft:
look in the "Miscellaneous" section that your "Database matching method" is not only "CRC".@BiZzAr721
Maybe a better way is to join the IRC or Discord from Screenscraper -
Ah, now I see!
I've never noticed that "ROMs/ISOs" field, now it makes sense, at least some kind of.
And I have already set the matching mode in Skraper to filename only, so CRC should not be a problem.
Many thanks, that should do the trick.
With pleasure
- topic:timeago_later,20 days
@Bkg2k A big thanks for this tool. Very useful and, for me, the best scaper to use with Recalbox !
I just made a small correction in the mix "ArcadeMoon":
In ArcadeMoon.xml and ArcadeMoonPlus.xml, the first point of Vertical presentation (Portrait) should be 84,167. -
@lmerckx Thanks, I'll fix it
Another strange behaviour:
The arcade game "1941 - Counter attack" is not recognized by Skraper.
The system is FBA libretro, the ROM name is 1941.zip and the MD5 is C4FFF5A2D094D663ECCA7D307067B63D, which is referenced in ScreenScraper.Is there something wrong with numbers as name ?
(sorry if I'm in wrong place for the post)
Edit: The only error I've got in log is this one. But I'm not sure it is the cause of the problem.
For information, it is my only game which is not scraped ...[2019-01-04 20:30:06.073] EXCEPTION : Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0. : [2019-01-04 20:30:06.080] STACK TRACE : Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Pa**eValue() Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read() Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadForType(JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter) Ã Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent) Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType) Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings) Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings) Ã Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value) Ã SkraperLibrary2.ScreenScraper.ScreenScraperApi.GetObjectsExt[T](String method, Dictionary`2 ext, Int32 systemid, Hashes hashes) : ```
Apparently, the problem for 1941 disappear as it came !
Thank you !And, for information, I created a custom mix for Skraper which is (or should be) the same than the Recalbox Mix 1 of ScreenScraper.
For me, it gives better results if all resources (screenshot, wheel, box) are not in same language/cover/...If interested, you can download it here: https://www.proximuscloud.be/web/app/share/invite/kfzfLCeKdh
@lmerckx I can include it in the next release if you're ok
Beta 8 (or Rc1, or even first final release) is approaching quickly.
Until then, here are link to latest semi-private betas:
https://www.skraper.net/download/beta/SkraperUI_Beta7.4.2.x64.7z -
@Bkg2k No problem, I share it to be used.
Didn't know this app until you talked about it during RecalBox live event tonight...
Just tried it! Amazing!
Thanks so much Bkg2k - topic:timeago_later,18 days
@bkg2k Hi, is there any option to scrape (skrape) only games that haven't any metadata yet?
Skraper is finished but some games have not been detected. So I want to do another run for missing games ONLY with changed program settings.In Emulationstation Scraper this setting exists, unfortunately could not find it in Skraper.
@abunille Seems to work, thanks. Now I have another problem:
No matter what I change (tried all regions, etc.), Skraper will not find some games at all. It's only a few, so it would be no problem at all adding metadata in gamelist.xml for those manually, BUT:
I'd like to have same picture style for all games (screenshot + system,...) and it seems it's not possible to download the png-files at screenscraper.fr directly, even not with registered account and even though these graphics seem to exist there for missing games! Any ideas? -
Ok, then the CRC and Filename of your roms seems not to be in the Database from ScreenScraper.
2 options:-
- You can just rename your files like one which is in the Database of ScreenScraper.
(Go to ScreenScraper Homepage, log in and search for one of your games.
Click on it and look in theROMs/ISOs
field. Here are all filenames listed, which exist in the Database.)
And on Skraper Soft:
look in the "Miscellaneous" section that your "Database matching method" is not only "CRC". Use thecrc, then filename option
- You can just rename your files like one which is in the Database of ScreenScraper.
- Or, after Scraping you will find a "blablabla missing.xml" file (dont know the right name right now) in your Folder. With these Informations you can go to ScreenScraper Discord/IRC, and ask if they will include in the Database. I dont know the source quality of your roms.
And for future Problems:
Maybe a direct contact on ScreenScraper Discord/IRC is the better option -
@abunille Thanks, solution 1.) works great!
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
Anyone has the same problem? The genre isn't scraped anymore. I reinstalled the most current verrion and had no luck. Examining the gamelist.xml the <genre> tage is missing entirely. A couple of weeks ago it still worked.
Happens with all systems installed, use Emulationstation on windows. PS. Also it ignores text case (always uses "as is" insted of lower case or uppercase.
Tried both versions on my Win10 64bit system. Both came up with "Games found: 0" on any system. Triple checked the right folders.