@he-zong-lin definitely not, it's written in the documentation
Normally it's :
Login: root
Password: recalboxroot -
Sorry, I'm a newbie... I want to change the rotating screen -
Just pressed the password and did not come out (pi@raspberrypi:~$:)
I want to find a change to rotate the screen..
@he-zong-lin it means it worked. Recalbox is an OS, and has nothing to do with Raspbian
If you want to rotate the screen, normally it's inside < config.txt> with the function : LCD_rotate
Why you want to rotate the screen? For shoot'em up game? -
了解... -
@outlaw !
@he-zong-lin i'm afraid I only speak english and french
Pas de problème pour le français ou l'anglais
Sorry, I'm a Taiwanese... I can't read English... I can have a translation...
google translate can help us
How can I find <config.txt>? Is it OK to shoot it for me? -
@he-zong-lin it's in
you need to firstmount -o remount, rw /boot
to edit the file. But the change is permanent : ES will also look vertical -
@he-zong-lin it's not what substring wrote.
Hey, I don't know, I'm looking for a 90 degree rotation screen. -