[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
Hello All
New version available
version (06/04/2018)
- Default images now integrate into templates. They apply when no picture is found. For example, choose a "snowy screen" for the Screenshot.
The default Screenshot is applied if 'image style' matches Screen or Mix. Default Boxes and Marquee are applied only if 'image style' matches Box or Marquee. - The system search parameters are now manageable via external files containing for theGamesDb and Screenscraper the names of systems recalbox / batocera / emulationstation and their equivalent on the sites Screenscraper and TheGamesDb (accessible via the button next to the buttons Screenscraper and TheGamesDb)
- add a Naomi style arcade template
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
- Default images now integrate into templates. They apply when no picture is found. For example, choose a "snowy screen" for the Screenshot.
Hello All
New version available
version (07/01/2018)
- v
- Add support for Daphne (see wiki for correct directories setting)
- Add support for Thomson
- Update Thegamedb.net api url (the images were no longer recovered)
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
@nexusone13 Hello!
First of all: thank you very much for the tool!
I have some questions: I found the option to delete unused images very useful.
But I did not find an option to delete the entries in the gamelist that no longer have a ROM, this option exists and I do not know how to use? Or is there still no such option?
Also I have not located a Scrapp option that allows the user to decide whether to accept Scrapp found or not. For example, due to similar names, ScreenScraper sometimes finds information about a game that is not the chosen one, but since it only finds one, it does not give you the option to choose, and manually you have to go back to the game, and delete the information that was entered wrong. Or am I doing something wrong?
I emphasize that the tool is very useful, thank you again! -
@zing hi zing and thanks for your encouragement. When you load a gamelist, if a rom file does not exist it will not be shown i the database. You have to save the database into the gamelist to save the change. About the option to accept or not a scrap , it does not exists indeed. and I'm afraid it will slow down the scrap. Maybe an option in a future release
@nexusone13 Thanks for the answer!
I agree that if the user has the option to accept Scrap or not, the process will take longer. So I SUGGEST (just a suggestion, the tool is already great without this option), that if it is possible to put this in a future version, put it as optional, and by default continue automatic. Probably only boring users like me would use this option.Another question: Does ARRM automatically connect to the recalbox? I saw that there are fields for login, password, button to stop EmulationStation, and button to restart Recalbox, but I did not see a button to connect to Recalbox, so I had doubts.
Do you mind if I post open a topic to advertise your tool in the forum portuguese section?
@zing Hi, when I'll back from vacation, I'll try to put the option you want.
Field login & password are used to launch commands to stop & restart emulationstation on recalbox.No problem, you can put an advert on the portuguese section
@nexusone13 Thank you very much!
I will create a topic in the Portuguese version so that more people can use this great tool that you have created!
Once again, thank you, and enjoy your vacation! -
@zing Hi I let you a private message with link to a test version with the asked option. Waiting for your feedback
Hello All
New version available
version (08/20/2018)
- scrape style / options image options are accessible via a toggle button (Options / Images style). It saves a little space
- Added a scrape option: "Confirm each game", which allows to validate the scrape of a game or to pass it (Zing's request on the Recalbox forum)
- Added a scrape option: "Image as Rom file". The name of the image file will be identical to the name of the rom file (Jay's request on the Recalbox forum)
- The choice of templates is now in the form of a drop-down list with sample of the mix
- Added a thumbnail in "image style" displaying the selected template
- Added many console templates
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
Hello All
New version available
version (08/29/2018)
- redesign of the template system. It is now possible for a mix to manage 8 layers by transparency. See the sample template 000_example_template
- fixed a bug when calculating MD5 on a directory
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
Hello All
New version available
version (09/12/2018)
- little makeover of the interface
- bug fix on erasing dos and daphne rom
- when creating a mix, if an image (box, screen, marquee) is not found, ARRM searches in the images_downloaded directory for images previous scrap on Thegamesdb, Screenscraper or another scraper. (see above)
- if "no image" or no choice of image has been made in the "image options", ARRM only retrieves the textual information of the game (thanks PilafSama)
- added 2 templates: mix_recalbox_like / mix_recalbox_like_snes_n64
- the values ??of the checkboxes in the image options are retained.
- when searching for a missing image, ARRM searches with the <rom filename> if the option 'image as rom' was checked in the 'scrap options' otherwise it looks on the <game title>
- Added option: 'Remove filters' When this box is checked, when saving the gamelist, all filters are deleted, hidden files are displayed and the entire list is selected "(Zing and PilafSama requests )
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Version uses the new TheGamesDB API. Warning TGDB now limits to 1000 requests per IP and per month.
First of all, congratulations on this great job!
I only have one question, I have a gamelist.xml with a lot of information of deleted games, I deleted the images too, but the information is stiil in the XML file, how can I filter de database in ARRM to check if the rom is still or not physical in the drive? I want to delete useless data.
Thanks and sorry for my english..
Hello @jorgemagana When you choose the system, ARRM matches rom files in the gamelist and files present in the system directory. When the process is done , the database shows only the existing roms. Then you just have to select all the elements and create the new gamelist.
@nexusone13 ok thanks!
Hello All
New version available
- v (10/07/2018)
(see the changelog, more complete, inside the application)
- New database including the <cartridge> tag
- The scrap on screenscraper allows to recover the image of the cartridge when it exists. New tag in the gamelist.xml <cartridge>
- the status line is replaced by a textbox whose detailed content is accessible via a text editor by clicking on 'see log'. Use this log to understand how ARRM works.
- The dialog indicating that the game was not found on TheGamesDB no longer appears. see the log status
- the image preview checkbox on TGDB is now positioned in the menu "Recalbox / Screenscraper / TGBD"
- When loading the gamelist.xml, verifying the existence of the images locally, otherwise deleting the reference of the image in the database
- It is now possible in the MIX templates to add a 2nd layer marquee (name of the layer: marquee2), used in the template "emulga like" (Query Marwyn91)
- Addition of several templates using the cartridge image: "Atari 7800 cartridge", "cartridge colecovision", "n64 cartridge", "atari 2600 cartridge", "genesis cartridge", "emulga like", and others
- Now 10 layers are available in your MIX
- Added a "customnomix" filter button that filters images created from other scrapers and recomposed by ARRM. This tag is used so that ARRM does not attempt to remix these images
- when looking for a DOS game on screenscraper, ARRM searches with both the .pc and .dos extension
- some bugs fixed
- In the "Choice Mix Model" page, the "View Rep" button brings directly into the directory of the selected template
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
- v (10/07/2018)
Merci encore pour ce soft
ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il s'améliore.j'ai un bug sur msx2 je vois pas la liste des jeux alors qu'il sont bien dans le gamelist.xml
serait t-il possible d'avoir des nouveaux templates ? ( Amiga 600, amiga 1200, C64, virtualboy )
@claude_bezoul merci
quelles sont les extensions de tes fichiers msx2 ?
@nexusone13 Elle sont en .zip " avec l'extension .mx2 "
les roms sont visible et fonctionnel sur RecalBox
@claude_bezoul envoie moi stp qq roms mx2 + ta gamelist.xml que je regarde ça, car de mon côté ça passe bien. merci