I know this is old but wanted to give you a big thank you. The hard drive with my PSX files died and I was NOT looking forward to having to rebuild everything. This has saved me about a days work. Nice Job!!
I have a pretty foolproof and simple method that does not require to use te external pc. Source https://github.com/sselph/scraper Showing simplified method to quickly scrape artwork for Recalbox Step 1. Connect to your raspi. On windows you can use putty and just open a connection to your ip and use root for username recalboxroot for password. Or from a terminal client >ssh root@yourip Step 2. Paste the following command > wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/substring/fullscrape/master/fullscrape.sh && chmod u+x ./fullscrape.sh Step 3. Initiate an individual scrape request system by system For example to do SNES see below > ./fullscrape.sh snes -no_thumb=true -max_width=375 To do nes > ./fullscrape.sh nes -no_thumb=true -max_width=375 Using the rom folder name as reference. Just a list of examples of systems you can use are cavestory fba fbalibretro fds gamegear gb gba gbc gw lutro lynx mame mastersystem megadrive moonlight msx n64 neogeo ngp pcengine prboom psx scummvm sega32x segacd sg1000 snes vectrex virtualboy wswan If you want to update or only add images that have not already been scraped you can do > ./fullscrape.sh -u -no_thumb=true -max_width=375 Things to keep in mind. To run the ./fullscrape.sh script you must be in the directory that you originally downloaded it to in the first step. Image art is stored in the directory /root/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/ the gamelist.xml file is stored in the directory /root/.emulationstation/gamelists each in their respective named folder if you run ./fullscrape.sh without the no thumb width flag it will download unvisible art for certain systems and you will need to delete that before scraping again as it will not overwrite correctly. (This could be added as a pull request to github but may be a security feature) WARNING : fba_libretro has a little bug, that will be corrected in 4.0.0 : scraping can’t be displayed. This can be manually solved if you really really are desperate …