Easiest Way To Up Date RetroArch to 1.7.2?
What is the best way to update Retroarch to the latest version, i would have though updating Recalbox to the latest version would of done it but the version of RetroArch is 1.6.9.
@blockaboots RA 1.7.2 is not yet officially released. But a RA dev also asked us to b*mp to this version, so we'll do it once they released it
Anh ok thanks. Is it easy enough to update to 1.71 for the time being?
@blockaboots what is the difference between those version ?
@blockaboots you need to compile by yourself
@gaetan Well they have reduced latency in the pad a great deal since ver 1.6.9 and also the ability to overclock cores such as the snes to remove slowdown found in a lot of games among other things
@blockaboots really nice feature, thank you
@blockaboots have you at least read the cost of the input lag reduction in terms of CPU load ? Din't expect it to guve good results on a pi
I was under the impression that the improvements didnt add any cost to cpu cycles at all??, now if you increased the the latency frames a large amount then yes this would but at there default settings i didnt think there was anymore load on the cpu. If this is the case maybe just a feature for the RPi3 +B
@blockaboots I guess some little reading must be done
@substring Yes i know about the 'Run ahead to reduce latency' option and wasn't what i was referring to as i didn't even think it would be included in a RPi build due to it being so demand. What i was referring to however was the work which has been done on the backend since version 1.6.9 to lower input latency with no performance cost.