Recalbox ne démarre plus
@b0bba si tu as tes roms sur un stockage externe, c'est sur ce support qu'il faut de la place.
@oyyodams oui cela aurait été vrai si j'avais lance la màj, cd que je n'ai pas fait.
Enfin tu confirmes qu'il faut la forcer ? Ça ne se fait pas tout seul ?
@b0bba la mise à jour ne se lance pas sans ton accord. Recalbox t'informe, mais c'est à toi de la lancer.
@oyyodams said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
@b0bba la mise à jour ne se lance pas sans ton accord. Recalbox t'informe, mais c'est à toi de la lancer.
Je ne l'ai pas lancée donc ce n'est pas ça. Rien dans le log de significatif ?
Ça fonctionnait il y a 2 jours, je n'ai rien fait de spécial.
Ça redemarre sans support externe... Je continue l'investigation.
J' ai 1,3go de libre sur la clé. Elle est bien montée et j'y accède en ssh.
Quand je lance sans la clé, j'ai bien le menu qui me propose la màj. Je continue de chercher 9
Les dernières lignes des logs
@b0bba tu peux me donner la sortie de
/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
stp ? -
@substring said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
@b0bba tu peux me donner la sortie de
/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
stp ?Bien vu et ce n'est pas beau ! Si je comprends bien le système de favoris n'est plus.?
# lvl0: Error parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/c64/gamelist.xml"! Start-end tags mismatch lvl0: Error parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/c64/gamelist.xml"! Start-end tags mismatch lvl0: Error finding/creating FileData for ""/recalbox/share/roms/mame/images"", skipping. lvl0: Error finding/creating FileData for ""/recalbox/share/roms/mame/BEST"", skipping. lvl0: Error finding/creating FileData for ""/recalbox/share/roms/mame/LAST"", skipping. lvl0: Error finding/creating FileData for ""/recalbox/share/roms/mame/TOP"", skipping. lvl0: System "favorites" is missing name, path, extension, or command!terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::current_exception_std_exception_wrapper<std::out_of_range> >' what(): basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 29) > this->size() (which is 15) #
@b0bba vire ton gamelist du c64 pour voir
non ca se trouve c'est pire que ca, ton MAME qui a un truc bizarre. coupe ES, renomme le gamelist pour voir, et relance ES
@Substring il n'y a plus les erreurs sur le gamelist
Celle sur le système favori manquant est toujours la
# /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start # lvl0: System "favorites" is missing name, path, extension, or command! terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::current_exception_std_exception_wrapper<std::out_of_range> >' what(): basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 29) > this->size() (which is 15)
@b0bba celle sur les favs est normale. Ca n'explique pas le reste. Essaie :
HOME=/recalbox/share/system SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_NOMOUSE=1 /usr/bin/emulationstation --debug
ca sent l'erreur de données chez toi hein ...
@substring said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
@b0bba celle sur les favs est normale. Ca n'explique pas le reste. Essaie :
HOME=/recalbox/share/system SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_NOMOUSE=1 /usr/bin/emulationstation --debug
ca sent l'erreur de données chez toi hein ...
Mince des données corrompues tu penses ? Ça fonctionne effectivement sans la clé.
# HOME=/recalbox/share/system SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_NOMOUSE=1 /usr/bin/emulationstation --debug lvl2: EmulationStation - v4.1.0-dev, built Feb 9 2018 - 13:11:28 lvl2: Setting local directory to /usr/bin/locale/lang lvl2: Locals set... lvl2: Creating surface... lvl2: Created window successfully. lvl2: Checking available OpenGL extensions... lvl2: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: MISSING lvl3: VolumeControl::init() - Opened ALSA mixer lvl3: VolumeControl::init() - Attached to default card lvl3: VolumeControl::init() - Registered simple element class lvl3: VolumeControl::init() - Loaded mixer elements lvl3: VolumeControl::init() - Mixer initialized lvl2: SDL AUDIO Initialized lvl2: Loading system config file /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg... lvl2: creating thread for system amiga1200 lvl2: creating thread for system amiga600 lvl2: creating thread for system amstradcpc lvl2: creating thread for system apple2 lvl2: creating thread for system atari2600 lvl2: creating thread for system atari7800 lvl2: creating thread for system atarist lvl2: creating thread for system c64 lvl2: creating thread for system cavestory lvl2: creating thread for system colecovision lvl2: creating thread for system dos lvl2: creating thread for system dreamcast lvl2: creating thread for system fba lvl2: creating thread for system fba_libretro lvl2: creating thread for system fds lvl2: creating thread for system gamegear lvl2: creating thread for system gb lvl2: creating thread for system gba lvl2: creating thread for system gbc lvl2: creating thread for system gw lvl2: creating thread for system imageviewer lvl2: creating thread for system lutro lvl2: creating thread for system lynx lvl2: creating thread for system mame lvl2: creating thread for system mastersystem lvl2: creating thread for system megadrive lvl2: creating thread for system moonlight lvl2: creating thread for system msx lvl2: creating thread for system msx1 lvl2: creating thread for system msx2 lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/amiga600/gamelist.xml"...lvl2: creating thread for system n64 lvl2: creating thread for system neogeo lvl2: creating thread for system nes lvl2: creating thread for system ngp lvl2: creating thread for system ngpc lvl2: creating thread for system o2em lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/amiga1200/gamelist.xml"... lvl2: creating thread for system pcengine lvl2: creating thread for system pcenginecd lvl2: creating thread for system prboom lvl2: creating thread for system psp lvl2: creating thread for system psx lvl2: creating thread for system scummvm lvl2: creating thread for system sega32x lvl2: creating thread for system segacd lvl2: creating thread for system sg1000 lvl2: creating thread for system snes lvl2: creating thread for system supergrafx lvl2: creating thread for system vectrex lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/amstradcpc/gamelist.xml"... lvl2: creating thread for system virtualboy lvl2: creating thread for system wswan lvl2: creating thread for system wswanc lvl2: creating thread for system x68000 lvl2: creating thread for system zx81 lvl2: creating thread for system zxspectrum lvl2: creating thread for system favorites lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/apple2/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "amstradcpc" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/atari2600/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "amiga600" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Adding "amiga1200" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/atari7800/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "atarist" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Adding "apple2" in system list. lvl1: Adding "atari7800" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/colecovision/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "c64" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/dos/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "atari2600" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/dreamcast/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "cavestory" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Adding "dos" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/fba_libretro/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "dreamcast" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/fds/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "fba" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/gamegear/gamelist.xml"...lvl1: Adding "colecovision" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/gb/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "fds" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/gba/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "gamegear" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/gbc/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "gb" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/gw/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "gw" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/screenshots/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "imageviewer" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Adding "gbc" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/lynx/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "lutro" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Unknown platform for system "mame" (platform "mame" from list "mame") lvl1: Adding "lynx" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/mastersystem/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "mame" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/megadrive/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "mastersystem" in system list. lvl1: Adding "gba" in system list. lvl1: System "moonlight" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: System "msx" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: System "msx1" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/msx2/gamelist.xml"... lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/n64/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "n64" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/neogeo/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "msx2" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/nes/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "megadrive" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/ngp/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "ngp" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/ngpc/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "ngpc" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/o2em/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "o2em" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/pcengine/gamelist.xml"...lvl1: Adding "nes" in system list. lvl1: Adding "pcengine" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/prboom/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "pcenginecd" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/psp/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "prboom" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/psx/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "psp" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/scummvm/gamelist.xml"... lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/sega32x/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "psx" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/segacd/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "sega32x" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/sg1000/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "segacd" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/snes/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "sg1000" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/supergrafx/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "supergrafx" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/vectrex/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "vectrex" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/virtualboy/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "virtualboy" in system list. lvl1: Adding "neogeo" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/wswanc/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: System "wswan" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Unknown platform for system "x68000" (platform "x68000" from list "x68000") lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/x68000/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Warning from theme "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/x68000/theme.xml" could not find file "./data/controller.svg" (which resolved to "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/x68000/data/controller.svg") lvl1: System "x68000" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Adding "wswanc" in system list. lvl2: Parsing XML file "/recalbox/share/roms/zxspectrum/gamelist.xml"... lvl1: Adding "snes" in system list. lvl0: System "favorites" is missing name, path, extension, or command!lvl1: Warning from theme "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/zx81/theme.xml" could not find file "./data/controller.svg" (which resolved to "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/zx81/data/controller.svg") lvl1: System "zx81" has no games! Ignoring it. lvl1: Warning from theme "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/zxspectrum/theme.xml" could not find file "./data/controller.svg" (which resolved to "/etc/emulationstation/themes/recalbox/zxspectrum/data/controller.svg") lvl1: Adding "zxspectrum" in system list. lvl1: Adding "fba_libretro" in system list. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::current_exception_std_exception_wrapper<std::out_of_range> >' what(): basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 29) > this->size() (which is 15) Aborted #
@b0bba tu as un gamelist corrompu qq par à coup sur. Donc essaie de les renommer un par un, fba_libretro a l'air d'un client
@substring said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
@b0bba tu as un gamelist corrompu qq par à coup sur. Donc essaie de les renommer un par un, fba_libretro a l'air d'un client
Tu as vu juste, en me concentrant la piste des fichiers gamelles j'ai lancé:
# find . -mtime -3 \( -name 'gamelist*' \) -exec ls -l {} \; -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 256492 Mar 29 20:19 ./neogeo/gamelist.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21439 Mar 29 20:19 ./scummvm/gamelist.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 64853 Mar 29 20:19 ./amiga1200/gamelist.xml J'ai manqué de clairvoyance j'aurai du commencer par la, rechercher les fichiers modifiés il y a 2 jours.
Donc C'est bien le fichier gamelist de scummvm qui posait problème.
Aprés l'avoir renomme puis redemarre ES c'est reparti.
Par contre, je peux l'éditer, le lire, bref tout semble OK. Je ne pige pas trop ce qui cloche.
Merci à tous pour le support. C'est résolu mais je ne trouve pas passer le post
Ps: il n'y a pas une option pour lancer en mode maintenance ? Par exemple ne pas charger les fichiers gamelist ?
Voire de ne pas charger ceux qui posent pb ?? Je suis sans doute à côté de la plaque car c'est sans doute une évolution es et non recalbox -
@b0bba vu le message d'erreur, un champ dont la longueur n'est pas adaptée ... Mais lequel, je ne sais pas. Tu as scrapé récemment ?
@substring said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
@b0bba vu le message d'erreur, un champ dont la longueur n'est pas adaptée ... Mais lequel, je ne sais pas. Tu as scrapé récemment ?
Si je pige bien un champ est limité à 15 caractères, j'en ai un qui en fait 29.
Si par champ on entend ce qui est entre balises alors je vais chercher.
Oui j'ai scraper quelques jeux ScummVm mais il l'était déjà.
TUTO : Quand la recalbox fonctionne sans clef usb et ne fonctionne pas avec la clef usb après une mise a jour.
1- Tu mets ta clef usb dans ton ordi et tu fait un checkdisk! tuto lien : ici
2- Remets ta clef usb et test
tE@auger said in Recalbox ne démarre plus:
TUTO : Quand la recalbox fonctionne sans clef usb et ne fonctionne pas avec la clef usb après une mise a jour.
1- Tu mets ta clef usb dans ton ordi et tu fait un checkdisk! tuto lien : ici
2- Remets ta clef usb et test
En l'occurrence il s'agit d'un problème avec le fichier gamelist d'un système (ici scummvm)
A priori il y a des données scrappees qui ne passent pas
Et puis ton tuto est bien mais il faut un pc Windows alors que je n'ai ni l'un, ni l'autre
Recalbox intégré un outil pour tester ses disques ?
@Substring Bizarre la conversion des "à" non ?
@b0bba aucune idée, à voir si @supernature2k peut donner son expertise
@substring c'est scrappe avec recalbox directement ?
J'ai jamais touché au scrapper mais je regarderai
@supernature2k pas le truc du scraper, mais pk ca plante