How to enable X68000 emulation?
@avodrocc what is your board ?
@avodrocc you donโt need to add or modify anything. What version of recalbox do you have?
@paradadf Recalbox 4.1 (Galisteo)
@oyyodams RPI3
Please post your archive support
open Internet explorer and copy paste : http://recalbox/helpyou need : recalbox 18.03.16, recalbox 4.1 is older
we want to help as we can and we spent a lot of time for troubleshooting,
but...that can not be!
You download "somewhere" an Image (maybe modified) and want help?
This is not the right way.Have you thought about that?
@avodrocc said in How to enable X68000 emulation?:
Recalbox Galisteo is an unofficial, unsupported image. Please install the latest official image from our website.
@abunille i'm so sorry.... was my first install and this is new for me... my apologies... never ever ever i'll doing again!!!
All good but,
you must understand that it is a big problem to help here in this situations.Try with a clean install (yes, you must copy your roms and maybe bios files yourself), and you will be good
@oyyodams thank you.... i'm formatting my flash card and installing the right one!!!
@avodrocc Good! Then we'll be able to help you, but it should already work better
@abunille thanks a lot for your help and the team's amazing work