what's your output for: ls -la /dev/input/ have you put a space between jstest and the path /dev/input/js0 ?
GPIO 2 Player
Hi, I'm trying to mount an arcade for 2 players by GPIO, and I changed the recalbox.conf such that well. ------------ E - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## If one of the enable_[controller] is set to 1, set the other to 0 ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO (mk_arcard_joystick_rpi) enable_mk_gpio=0 ## mk_gpio arguments (map=1 for only one gpio controller) mk_gpio_args=map=1,2 What I have to do now? I tried to install the scrip as it says here https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi/blob/master/README.md but not how to continue to operate it. Can anyone help me how to follow?
Hi, in order to enable the GPIOs set it to 1 enable_mk_gpio=1 It's all you have to do. No install needed, the instructions on the mk readme are for other os
I changed the 0 to 1 but not on the menu and in-game joystick recognize me. I have a raspberry pi model b 2 v1.1
Run this to check player1 controls jstest /dev/input/js0 Use js1 for player2
When I put this command tells me not found, as I do?
what's your output for: ls -la /dev/input/ have you put a space between jstest and the path /dev/input/js0 ?
I feel the delay in responding, I have not had time, when I put ls / dev / input / what I get is, by-id by-path event0 event1 event2 mice mouse0 me nothing appears to js0 or js1 as it appears on your image you put what am I doing wrong?
Hello read this , for help may be
have you got a clean installation of recalbox? which release? for my home made arcade controller i had only to enable/edit this 2 lines in recalbox.conf enable_mk_gpio=1 mk_gpio_args=map=1,2 then run _ jstest /dev/input/js0_ and jstest /dev/input/js1 to test button and joystics for both players Are you sure you have wired correctly your arcade panel to the GPIO ?
Try to edit the file with nano in commandline or with notepad++ from windows