I install lastest version Amiga4Recalbox compatible with recalbox 4.1 2017.12.02 but I can't run on my raspberry pi 2
I try coping all the neccesary BIOS files in /recalbox/share/bios and /recalbox/share/bios/amiga but when I select a game always returns to menu (some of them ran in previous version of your addon for recalbox 4.1 beta).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "emulatorlauncher.py", line 215, in <module>
exitcode = main(args)
File "emulatorlauncher.py", line 144, in main
command = generators[system.config['emulator']].generate(system, args.rom, playersControllers)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/generators/amiberry/amiberryGenerator.py", line 37, in generate
controller = playersControllers['1']
KeyError: '1'