27 Apr 2017, 10:53

@Ratte yo gotta learn python ... but as i'm the one who mostly works on configgen, consider yourself a lucky man ^^

There is no doc, it's not such a big tool. The easiest is to read a generator, understand that we generally have 3 files for a generator :

  • the generator itself which drives the wole configuration + launch of the emulator
  • sometimes a controller file that handles controls configuration
  • sometimes a config file to handle general configuration of the emulator

Next is to edit emulatorlauncher.py :

  • add the dependencies (all the import sutff)
  • Add a Emulator['amiga'] default line

Don't forget to add the necessary files in the setup.py.

The only step-by-step i could recommend you for now is :

  • create a uae folder in generators
  • find a small xxxGenerator.py, copy it over, rename functions/methods as well as the file, and just add a hard coded launch command
  • add the necessary lines in emulatorlauncher.py
  • add the necessary lines in setup.py
  • copy over to the pi, regen the setup
  • learn to manually start configgen rather than by ES 😉

configgen is half of the job, the other half (the package) is a whole different story. I made the necessary packages for uae4arm-rpi, i guess they could be a good start depending on the dependencies of the emulator you wish to add.