[TUTO] Installing Recalbox on the 8-B Craft "RASPIBOY"
@substring The raspiboy is going to still be produced after the kickstarter via 8bcraft. He's taking preorders for the September/October batch now.
@dh04000 have you tested with and without sdtv_progressive_scan=1 ?
I can see no difference personnaly.Evene more, I can't find where I see it, but I think this sdtv_progressive_scan=1 is just a temporary command for test and was replaced by sdtv_mode=16
(Need to look for that in the very long issue talking about it ^^)And yes why not a wikipage, at least not only for the Raspiboy, but for all 240P screen
(I think the problem is the same on every 240p Screen
Found it : https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/683#issuecomment-283471444I've pushed this change to rpi-update with a slight change.
sdtv_progressive_scan is no more.
You should add 16 onto sdtv_mode if you want progressive/240p output.
That fits slightly more cleanly with how the firmware handles sdtv_mode.Examples:
sdtv_mode=16 # progressive NTSC
sdtv_mode=0x10 # progressive NTSC (using hex notation)
sdtv_mode=18 # progressive PAL
sdtv_mode=0x12 # progressive PAL (using hex notation) -
So, is it ok to add sdtv_mode=16 in config.txt?
To use the stdv_mode=16 you need the last PI firmware. So it's ok with a 4.1 (not available for now, but soon
) or you need to update the firmware (don't know if it's possible on a 4.0x, remember RPI-Update won't work on recalbox)
you can try
it won't break anything, at worst it just don't work ^^
I'll wait for 4.1 then ^^
@screech I'm on 4.01 still. sdtv_progressive_scan=1 in my config.txt after reboot made my screen blurry, like it was alternating the rendering the same frame slightly off center each frame. It was a weird kinda blurry. More blurry is some lines of the screen than other lines.
Maybe I read it wrong
What I understand from the Issue :
sdtv_progressive_scan=1 was put in february on a "custom firmware" to test
sdtv_progressive_scan=1 was removed and replaced by sdtv_mode=16 on Mars and pushed to the RPI-Update Github by popcornmix...
not sure 4.01 are compiled between Feb and Mars 2017... (and with a test firmware ?)But Maybe I'm totally wrong ^^ As a French guy I can misunderstand ^^
The only one who can tell are the Dev guys
Maybe @Substring ?
Can't find anything on the net that is reliable and official regarding the value to add in the config.txt to set progressive mode. Looks like http://filthypants.blogspot.fr/2017/03/raspberry-pi-240p-composite-output.html can be fairly trusted as it is the blog of HunterK, one of the core devs of Retroarch.
So yes, adding 0x10 (=16) to the desired sdtv_mode would set progressive. I wonder how would the Brazilian PAL look ...
So NTSC progressive = 16, PAL progressive = 18 -
I'll try to make some more test tonight
Hi @screech,
Dumb question but where can I find a recalbox 4.0.1 img in order to burn it on the µSD ?
The 4.1 is no more available I know and the last releases on the site are zipped with all files, no config.txt to edit and if we put those files on the µSD, the Raspiboy doesn't make the Recalbox install (screen with lines bug) -
Now that 4.1 is out, is there any update on this topic?
OK, working perfectely with the last one. but having a little crop on the screen. Do I need to play woth overscan?