Retropie is intended for use by people with technical skills, indeed.
That does not make Recalbox a "better" product, just more suited to a wider audience.
Recalbox Is Much Better Than Retropie
I cannot say enough on how much appreciation I can give you developers with Recalbox.
I've been toying around with Retropie for a while now and it's just a mish-mash of crap put together and they have over customized it in terms of its ease of use for any regular non-computer person to setup. The only thing they have going for them is an IMG file to load onto a micro SD card but that's about it.
Recalbox is sooo much easier to configure and setup.. and the most important part is the level of support getting help when a person is stuck is awesome.. Retropie folks seems like they have their noses stuck up in the clouds or something because either they are not responsive or give feedback rating a person's skill set not being able to customize something on the backend of their product.
cheers guys and great product.
Retropie is intended for use by people with technical skills, indeed.
That does not make Recalbox a "better" product, just more suited to a wider audience. -
@tdelios I'd never ever try to compare both ... We have our own vision of how to make things work (I.e. we want it to be simple for anyone), Retropie has a different philosophy. This doesn't mean that Re****** is better than Re****** ... I'm glad Recalbox fits your needs
But I'd never troll around saying one is better than the other. They both aim for a different audience, Retropie being the very first popular retro gaming solution on Pi
@Substring I would not respond better
I think that the OP's praise is just, maybe not in the form of a comparison but Recalbox is incredibly user friendly (for the most part - nobody can make MAME friendly as it's not friendly to begin with!)
I for one am looking forward to when the update servers are sorted so that I can play around with the PSP and DC.
Keep up the great work and I for one will most certainly be making a donation to support the continued work and development of recalbox
After one year of using RetroPie as my "main" emulation system and media player, i'm gradually migrating to recalbox after this 4.1 stable release(rpi3 user here).
Things work so "out-of-the-box" on Recalbox 4.1 that i almost have "no fun" on tinkering with the system
. Bluetooth controllers and controller mappings working at first, DOS games emulating is just a matter of creating a .bat file.
The only thing i MISS is a better index wiki page like the one we can find on RetroPie... but that is just a matter of googling arround
Both are great systems.
wiki is not easy at the moment, especially in several languages.
But the Team is working to improve it.
Helping hands are welcome