Under windows, it is common to use an individual configuration file for specific games with the option -conf in the commandline of dosbox.
In Recalbox I dont know how this should be made for the moment, so I use the following method to have individual key mapper files for different DOS Games.
I take as example Crusader No remorse, where keyboard mapping to the controllers is essential to play the game on an arcade machine.
- I copy the working key mapper file to my game directory nremorse.pc and name it "nremorse.map" .
- I edit the dosbox.conf file in the directory "/recalbox/share/system/configs/dosbox" with the following modifications :
a. I change the name of the key mapper file to MAPPER.MAP
b. I mount a disk D with the Dosbox configuration directory
Lines in this section will be run at startup.
You can put your MOUNT lines here.
MOUNT D "/recalbox/share/system/configs/dosbox"
- I make this modification to the game directory dosbox.bat
If exist D:MAPPER.MAP goto start
COPY nremorse.map D:MAPPER.MAP
That was it. What is the effect ? One problem, DOSBOX loads the key mapper before running dosbox.bat for the individual game.
With this modifications to the dosbox.bat, when you start the game, it comes back to the ES after copying the key mapper file and when you restart it will run with the right mapper file, and it will be deleted when you leave the game. Easy, no choice selection, just start twice.