long time without new release so : is out : https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/releases/tag/
Corrected :
- Full Scrape don't neverend anymore.
- SSH kill works now on scrape demande.
- Date with only a 'Year' will work now (the date will be 'Year/01/01')
- When adding Missing Rom, Name were "(Clone, Beta, Demo, ...)". It's OK now
- When you force JPG or PNG, Video stay in MP4.
Modification :
- New ProgressBar changing color (Green = OK, Red = Timeout or error download, Yellow = Not found)
Added :
- New, in case UXS Hang (it never happen ^^), when you re-launch a Scrape, it will ask you if you want to generate a gamelist.xml with the temporary file found.
- New Shortcut was created at the first launch : 'Silent_UXS'. You can now run UXS silently
- New Visual info about Engine Use. Some check box corresponding to the Thread Number will tell you if the Engine is used or not.
- 2 New Advanced Menu : Reset Autoconfiguration Path and Alt Autoconfiguration Path (only for Retropie, it put the Rom's Folder Path)
- New Element Type : RomExcluded
Exemple :
<Element Type="RomExcluded">
<AutoExcludeValue>(Track |[Bios]|(Bios)</AutoExcludeValue>
Mean :
When a duplicate name file (without extension) is found:
- it check the extension. If in list (bin|img|iso|ccd|sub) it won't scrape it
- it check if the file contain a value ("(Track ","[Bios]","(Bios)"). If yes, it won't scrape it