Maybe you can have a look here
battery life in recalbox ?
Hi, is it possible ?
To have an indicator with battery remaining in emulationstation menu ? -
@jackalpret Hi
Possible, i guess so, but on our todolist, not for now. If you expect an icon somewhere telling how much battery each pad has left, that's much would be easier to have a I2S/I2C screen showing that
@Substring thanks, icon or something else in bottom of the emulation station for example.
I use notebook sometimes without power cable -
Maybe you can have a look here -
@godhunter74 said in battery life in recalbox ?:
Maybe you can have a look here, but i'm using PC , not raspberry hehe
@jackalpret ask to author if he can compile for pc !??
Have another look here
Try to locale the same give us some good News !!! -
@godhunter74 said in battery life in recalbox ?:
Have another look here
Try to locale the same give us some good News !!!that a very very good idea, script to calc battery remaining ...
but ... how can i run with cron for example this script and put the info into emulationstation main screen ?? is it possible ? -
you can't display anything above ES unless ES displays it itself.
Adding such icons are definitely not in our todo list for now
You can try to Merge the two topics ideas, ask help to authors, here in forum, search on internet, try to understand....
There isn't Built in solution but i think it is possible to do it!
I can't do that, i haven't enought time for my project... And i don't need it...
I'm sorry for mistakes you Must now know I'm not english speaker but the most important is you understand....
@Substring l'idee d'écran I2C est sympa mais jackalpret est sous pc, ca complique le tout....
@Substring said in battery life in recalbox ?:
you can't display anything above ES unless ES displays it itself.
Adding such icons are definitely not in our todo list for now
Not necessary icons. It could be maybe only text like "88% remaining" or something like that.
@jackalpret whichever way, that is some work. Won't be done for the 4.1, we're focusing on stabilizing it.
@Substring said in battery life in recalbox ?:
@jackalpret whichever way, that is some work. Won't be done for the 4.1, we're focusing on stabilizing it.
no problem, I'm not in a hurry.
If you want i can help testing or trying what you want
count on me