@TheRealFox you could. I don't see why you would do that, you dot even k ow our compilation flags
@TheRealFox Of course I'll do that. Just haven't had time since yesterday
I'll do that asap and i'm sure it you'll succeed then
What you need :
- create the
folder + sub directory with the same name of the system - add there your .png, a romname.cfg + romname.zip.cfg
So here is the basic info through an example
- System : mame
- Rom : double dragon (ddragon.zip)
Folder : /recalbox/share/overlays/mame
Files :- /recalbox/share/overlays/mame/ddragon.zip.cfg :
input_overlay = /recalbox/share/overlays/mame/ddragon.cfg
- /recalbox/share/overlays/mame/ddragon.cfg :
overlays = 1 overlay0_overlay = ddragon.png overlay0_full_screen = true overlay0_descs = 0 So see the link : recalbox will look for overlays/<system>/<rom.extension>.cfg which itself refers to another .cfg (the file doesn't need to be named like the rom, up to you to customize the input_overlay parameter). Same goes for the overlay name
these are the very minimum requirements. You can of course add some custom retroarch parameters to
Most of times you'd force the viewports - create the
Wow..I gonna try later night.......thanks!!!!!!!
@Substring, I have made all the steps and doesn't work. In another try I changed in the retroarch gui the overlay directory to /recalbox/share/overlays/fba_libretro.
@Substring I cannot put the latest version of Retroarch on recalbox?
@TheRealFox you could. I don't see why you would do that, you dot even k ow our compilation flags
@Substring, It is because I made this question about configuration per game on the official Retroarch fórum and someone say something about retroarch gui that interested me. He said: " In RetroArch, you would load up your game, go back into the menu and set up your desired overlay, then return to the quick menu and choose 'save game override' ". I noticed that the gui in retroarch 1.3.4 doesnt have this option in quick menu: save game overrride. I wondered if this option would save the overlay config by game.....
@Substring, recalbox team dont think about upgrade the retroarch version on recalbox?
@Substring. Do u have some tip for my failure? The steps that I did seems to be equal of your post. I have been frustated. Even yet I thanks your help.
in retroarch do you need option per game enable ? -
Some facts :
- recalbox 4.1 is using retroarch 1.4.0
- what i suggested only works for recalbox 4.1
- it is not recalbox philosophy to let users mess around with emulators configuration in order to achieve something particular. We try to "ease the pain" when users want a feature
@Substring, according to some posts that I saw around Internet, it is possible to make launch of individual overlays at the start up of retroarch 1.3.4, but u would have to change a file called emulatorlauncher.sh. But for me is not an easy task and I am not want to try it, due to the dificult. At least for me....
@Substring, I think config per game is a need of several members of the comunity in order to let saved configurations of multiple overlays for every arcade game you want to keep in this way. With the consoles the need is when multiple systems share the same core. When you choose an especific overlay for a core, others systems that share the same core get the same overlay. This is an annoying thing.
@TheRealFox i never said you can't, i said we ease the pain. Retropie would probably have some doc on that feature
- topic:timeago_later,3 months
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@Substring overlays load per game works ok with this method, is it posible to configure a default overlay for horizontal and other default for vertical games? is it posible a default overlay per core? wich would be the trick?
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- topic:timeago_later,about a year
I had the same problem on PC.
The origin of the bug is in Retroarch.cfg when you edit width a text editor the value
[input_overlay] to reset it
the correct value is
input_overlay = "nul"
the bug occurs when you have
input_overlay = "" -
please dont up old topic.https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Retroarch-setup-overlays-(EN)