@Ratte I'm no part of Recalbox team at all, I'm doing that on my own.
So TODO list is pretty emptied by now :
- being able to exit the emulator with one button
- display the GUI with one button
Those 2 should be taken care off by amiberry's version of uae4arm but for now i'm missing some libraries so the UI doesn't show with that version and so I can't configure those parameters
- being able to configure in an uae conf file a full configuration allowing a custom mapping for all controls (joystick, GUI, exit, CD32 controls, mouse if possible on right joystick but I don't really care) and for any controller
This is not possible at the moment with any version of uae4arm, amiberry's going to convert uae4arm to SDL2 and it should be easier after that
improve WHD, for now HD games are loaded only in a amiga 1200 mode I want to create a amiga 500 mode too
lastly, very lastly do a conf for CD32, well it's essentially done I have all what I need to finalize and do it, I just don't care enough for this machine to finalize it
That said, if you want to play A500 and A1200 ADF and WHD games in Recalbox launched through emulationstation like every other emulator out there it is working very neatly, you ust have to transfer files install it through a few ssh commands