Just... Waouh!
I'm going test it!
Just... Waouh!
I'm going test it!
@lackyluuk @DjLeChuck , thanks
I beg you : take your screenshots with the raspi2png
shell command !!!
@Substring Will do it!
@RetroWilly great job... seems very pretty ... like it
@Substring Done, and my apologies for the first crappy uploads
@RetroWilly Can you post screenshots of the view inside a few systems (you know displaying the list of games)
@voljega Done
a nice variation of simplelight
Hi ok to add your theme to the recalbox github repository ?
Are you familiar with github ?
@rockaddicted Hi, Sure, that would be awesome!
Im not really familiar with Github yet, tho i'm willing to learn. I refreshed the download link with a newer version because i made some system music changes. I do however also already have a Github account.
Theme has been added and merged on Github.
-Link updated, and added some small changes.
That moment when you fixed the small artwork to the right mode again...makes you so happy :))
Downloadlink is updated to: https://goo.gl/fHZvPp
@RetroWilly Hi mate! I love your theme blisslight but there is a bug when you try to play a Pc Engine-CD game because all EmulationStation hangs - on. Only happens with your Blisslight theme, not with RECALBOX theme. When you press "A" in your pad over "PC Engine-CD" folder..it freezes...
@retrowilly hey ! first post around here but I stumbled upon the same issue as @redix, well almost. Entering the pc engine cd folder makes ES hang, have to reboot recalbox, I can't even kill the process via ssh.
Do you have any news about this issue ?
Other than that the theme is awesome !
sorry for posting twice but i couldn't resist looking into this.
turns out the <text> part defining PC Engine CDROM has a weird character at the end. I removed it and restarted emulationstation and it works.
Thanks, i will adjust that error. Tried to respond earlier, but there is much going on in my life right now
Edit* No idea how that sneaked in, but i made a pull request for it on Github
Also, downloadlink here : https://goo.gl/Bpt7ZF
@retrowilly nice ! Is your github update going to be reflected in the "official" theme package that combines yours and 5 or 6 other themes ?