24 Jan 2017, 23:17

First off - awesomeness - loving this so far - stable, rounded and great.

I was using another distro previous to trying this - but think I'm sticking with this.

However, I'm a bit stuck on one bit. Disclaimer: I'm a linux newb, so still struggling with the translations.

Hardware: Odroid XU4
rcb Vers: 5.1.0

So previously, i had a simple bash script that ran on startup:

echo Ataroid Startup Script
echo ------- ------- ------
echo Sending button pulses to USB3 Hub - Pin 8
gpio mode 8 out
gpio write 8 0
gpio write 8 1
gpio write 8 0
echo Done.
echo Reading inputs:
gpio mode 12 in
echo Left Difficulty - && gpio read 12

In order to get this up and running, I first had to import the odroid wiringpi library via:

git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/wiringPi
cd wiringPi

now, I've manged to find how to get the script running at startup via this guide here:


However, of course the script doesn't run because the xu4 wpi library isn't installed? All the gpio commands aren't recognised

Additionally, I don't seem to be able to install the library as the git cmd isn't recognised in putty (as aren't lots of other shell commands?)

It's a bit of a deal breaker as this script powers on my external storage.

Any advice for a newb?