I posted on the old V1 forum, and recently found this V2 one, which is the version of the scraper I'm using so Ill post again with some added info.
First of all thanks for the tutorial.
I'm able to run the scraper, and it finds most of the roms
I went and checked \RECALBOX\share\roms\lynx and I see the downloaded_images folder with the game images, and there is a gameslist.xml file. However when I checked the system the images do not show by any of the games. I tried a restart, and still no luck.
I'm at a loss at how to proceed. I believe when it says "kill emulation station" before scraping that isn't working b/c the frontend is still loaded and showing on the TV screen in the other room while scraping occurs? I'm not familiar with using SecureShell, but I simply connect via network share.
Edit: I deleted the downloaded_images folder, and gameslist.xml. Ran XML Scraper V2 selected RecalBox v4 (MIX) this time instead of reg so I could use boxart with image. Scraped 82/84 Lynx roms and downloaded_images folder had the right images with box art this time. However, once again no box art is shown in emulation station.