I am having trouble getting the Analog stick to work correctly on my N64 controllers.
I purchased original N64 controllers online and have them attached via Mayflash N64 adapter.
( shows up as HuiJia USB GamePad)
I got all the buttons and joystick tested through jstest and mapped through the mupen64 InputAutoCfg.ini
(instructions I followed from here https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Configure-N64-controllers-(EN) )
My main trouble is the Analog stick isn't sensitive at all. When setting up the controller through emulation station It takes me quite a few tries to get it to register either left or up.
when playing super mario64 the character never runs, just walks.
is there any way to make the controller see that the stick is all the way in one direction?
I've tried changing the AnalogPeak to the max I get in jstest and even much lower. I just don't see any difference at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.