Hi, @subs, no problem! The "multiple input ticks" seem to be due to some issue in my Sanwa stick, as these happen even in Windows No keyboard attached. Not a RPi, recalbox or xarcade2jstick problem. Just don't mind it. To sum up, the DualStrike PCBs seem to work as expected using the xarcade2jstck trick.
What do you mean âthe optipac was detected by the scriptâ ? Can you run a recalbox-support.sh with both plugged (and without xarcade2jstick running) ?
The shellscript was indeed run with both PCBs plugged and no xarcade2jstck running. I know the OptiPAC was detected because I searched inside the output files (link in the previous post), and found the corresponding hardware id strings somewhere. My initial intention was to run the script with only the OptiPAC attached, to avoid conflicts. But for now it's impossible to unplug any of the PCBs without taking everything apart. So the shellscript had to be run with both PCBs connected to the RPi. It worked perfectly, both the IPAC and the OptiPAC hardware id strings can be found easily in the output files. And nopes, the xarcade2jstck was not running, I switched it off and rebooted before calling the shellscript.