15 May 2016, 22:23

Hi all First of all,  I would like to thank Retroboy for this wonderful project. He and the entire Recalbox dev team deserve high praise from all retrogaming fans. I'm writing to inform the community about some hardware I have around, used to play MAME and other cool stuff in a PC... and now being transferred to a RPi2 running Recalbox. Some of this hardware already works great under 4.0.0b3, and some simply does not work at all. If the dev team is interested in adding support for some of this stuff in Recalbox, I'm available to help and test everything. I will just need some guidance. Regards Jonas --- Here's the hardware: 1) Dual control box built around an iPac2 (2007) and an OptiPac: The iPac2  works great,  just like an USB keyboard,  while the OptiPac, connected to an optical spinner in the X-axis, remains unresponsive (as expected); 2) A pair of fightsticks,  each one built around a Zurborg.info DualStrike PCB (keyboard/PC gamepad/PS3 modes selectable on demand). With these babies, the keyboard (MAME) mode does not work at all, the PC digital gamepad mode works perfectly while the PS3 mode is still untested. More info here: http://arcadeforge.net/GamePad-Key-Encoder/Dual-Strike/Dual-Strike::17.html 3) A Thrustmaster Firestorm Digital3, a basic 8 button game pad.  Works great as long as you can live without dedicated Select+Start buttons... I just used the bottom L+R pair as Select+Start. Makes a good SNES controller imitation, except for its crappy D-pad. Detected by Recalbox as "Mega World 2-axis 8-buttom gamepad". Funny...