[RESOLVED] Hide .cue files?
Certain PS1 games have multiple tracks (some of the Tomb Raider games, among a few others), so the .cue must be present for it to function properly. Is there a way to hide them?
So hide .bin by editing /root/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg by removing .bin from the supported extensions for psone
i was looking for that file!
In 4.0.0, how do I do this now? (Sorry for necro'ing the thread)
Hi, In 4.0.0, you can hide files directly in ES by using "select" menu on your file and choose "hide" option. (very useful for .cue and bios files
Just make sure that you are hiding only the bin files and that each PS1 games has a cue file with it. Otherwise, you will have to generate cue files or the game won't show.
Hi, is there still a global 'switch' to hide certain file types? Tomb Raider II for example has x61 tracks !! It is very tedious to 'hide' them all individually. Thanks.
Hello Arne, Maybe you could download an other file from <del>[Link]</del> Internet. The .zip contains a .cue and a .bin which will be easier to handle. Edit Reivaax : No link to copyright content please.
Global switch is still there just edit your es_systems.cfg file and remove the unwanted extensions, same as before
Helli In recalbox 4.0.0 Select your game.bin Select button > edit metadata In botton put invisible option > ON
Thanks Voljega
Hi, I thought I had this problem sorted out but no. I think the path to the file is /recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg But when I try to edit the file I get a "Read-only file system" error. It looks like the game files 'must' be hidden individually unfortunately. Thanks.
Hi, Try this command before editing it :
mount -o remount,rw /
You also should quit EmulationStation before saving changes or there will be erased:/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop
Then after save:/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
Hi nosfay, Yes this works !! Thanks
how would I unhide the cue file if hid it on mistake? I've tried deleting the game and reinstalling it, but it didn't change anything..
edit the gamelist.xml and remove the <hidden> information on your game.