Jeux Action Max
Voici le contenu du fichier log
Running command: SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SHELL=/bin/sh RUNLEVEL=S PWD=/ _=/usr/bin/python HOME=/recalbox/share/system LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 SDL_NOMOUSE=1 TERM=linux label=RECALBOX INIT_VERSION=sysvinit- SHLVL=3 CONSOLE=/dev/console PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin PREVLEVEL=N /usr/bin/hypseus singe vldp -framefile /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/singe/actionmax/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.txt -fullscreen -script /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/singe/actionmax/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.singe -blend_sprites -manymouse -datadir /usr/share/daphne -homedir /recalbox/share/roms/daphne Process exitcode: -11 [version] Hypseus Singe: 8.0-Electron-dirty [console] Setting alternate home dir: /recalbox/share/roms/daphne 2022-01-25 14:52:53.513 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@324] Version 8.0-Electron-dirty 2022-01-25 14:52:53.513 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@328] Command line: /usr/bin/hypseus singe vldp -framefile /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/singe/actionmax/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.txt -fullscreen -script /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/singe/actionmax/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.singe -blend_sprites -manymouse -datadir /usr/share/daphne -homedir /recalbox/share/roms/daphne 2022-01-25 14:52:53.513 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@329] CPU : ARMv7 || Mem : 3456 megs 2022-01-25 14:52:53.532 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@330] OS : Linux 5.10 || Video : BCM2711 2022-01-25 14:52:53.556 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@331] RGB2YUV Function: C 2022-01-25 14:52:53.556 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@337] Line Blending Function: C 2022-01-25 14:52:53.556 INFO [1287] [reset_logfile@344] Audio Mixing Function: C 2022-01-25 14:52:53.603 WARN [1287] [sound::init@208] WARNING : requested 2048 samples for sound buffer, but got 1024 samples 2022-01-25 14:52:53.775 INFO [1287] [manymouse_init_mice@301] Using ManyMouse for mice input. 2022-01-25 14:52:54.111 INFO [1287] [manymouse_init_mice@319] Found 3 mice devices: 2022-01-25 14:52:54.111 INFO [1287] [manymouse_init_mice@328] #0: Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller 2022-01-25 14:52:54.112 INFO [1287] [manymouse_init_mice@328] #1: mini keyboard Mouse 2022-01-25 14:52:54.112 INFO [1287] [manymouse_init_mice@328] #2: HJZ Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter Mouse 2022-01-25 14:52:55.573 INFO [1287] [ldp_vldp::read_frame_conversions@1043] Framefile pa**e succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/singe/actionmax/38ambushalley.daphne/./ 2022-01-25 14:52:55.613 INFO [1287] [printline@96] Starting Singe version 1.25 2022-01-25 14:52:55.970 INFO [1287] [video::init_display@247] Repaint dimensions: 720x480 2022-01-25 14:53:15.434 INFO [1287] [printline@96] SINGE: sep_mpeg_get_pixel() 2022-01-25 14:53:15.434 INFO [1287] [printline@96] SINGE: get_pixel unsupported platform: Targets disabled
Ce problème survient sur quel board ? PC ? Pi ? Je n'ai pas ce soucis sur un rpi4
J'ai un rpi4 4go
@syntaxeror @Pitch64 Salut, j'ai le même problème et je suis aussi sur Pi4.
J'arrive ps à comprendre pourquoi ce problème surgit, je ne l'ai pas chez moi.
@pitch64 C'est possible de récupérer tes fichiers ".singe" uniquement ?
Je viens de faire la maj Recalbox 8.0.1 et ô miracle ça fonctionne
Merci Pitch64 de ton aide même si tu n'as pas réussi à résoudre le problème -
@syntaxeror @Pitch64 Pour moi aussi ça fonctionne
Bon bah voilà, la première bonne nouvelle du jour
- topic:timeago_later,3 years
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je déterre ce sujet car il y a de nouveau un problème avec les jeux Action Max qui avait disparu lors d'une mise à jour de Recalbox.
Pour rappel, pendant le jeu il y a marqué à l'écran "targets disabled" et le tir n'est pas pris en compte.
Ça concerne tous les jeux.Voici le contenu du fichier es_launch_stdout.log
Joystick Sony PLAYSTATION_R_3 Controller is set to udev index 0 Running command: SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SDL_VIDEO_EGL_DRIVER=/usr/lib/ SHELL=/bin/sh RUNLEVEL=S PWD=/recalbox/share/system _=/usr/bin/python WINDOWPATH=2 HOME=/recalbox/share/system TERM=linux label=RECALBOX INIT_VERSION=sysvinit- DISPLAY=:0 SHLVL=6 BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/linux LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 CONSOLE=/dev/console PREVLEVEL=N PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin /usr/bin/hypseus singe vldp -framefile /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.txt -fullscreen -script /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.singe -retropath -texturestream -datadir /usr/share/daphne -homedir /recalbox/share/roms/daphne -vulkan -x 1920 -y 1080 Process exitcode: 0 [version] Hypseus Singe: 9.2.3-Pulstar-dirty [console] Setting alternate home dir: /recalbox/share/roms/daphne [console] Forcing TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING [console] Enabling SDL_VULKAN [console] Setting screen width to 1920 [console] Setting screen height to 1080 2024-09-01 18:13:22.499 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@342] Version 9.2.3-Pulstar-dirty 2024-09-01 18:13:22.499 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@346] Command line: /usr/bin/hypseus singe vldp -framefile /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.txt -fullscreen -script /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/38ambushalley.daphne/38ambushalley.singe -retropath -texturestream -datadir /usr/share/daphne -homedir /recalbox/share/roms/daphne -vulkan -x 1920 -y 1080 2024-09-01 18:13:22.499 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@347] CPU : AMD || Mem : 28992 megs 2024-09-01 18:13:22.503 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@348] OS : Linux 6.1 || Video : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cezanne (rev c5) 2024-09-01 18:13:22.516 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@349] RGB2YUV Function: C 2024-09-01 18:13:22.516 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@355] Line Blending Function: C 2024-09-01 18:13:22.516 INFO [2722] [reset_logfile@362] Audio Mixing Function: C 2024-09-01 18:13:23.075 INFO [2722] [video::notify_stats@1827] Viewport Stats:|w:1920x1080|v:1920x1080|o:320x240|l:1920x1080|o 2024-09-01 18:13:24.076 INFO [2722] [ldp_vldp::read_frame_conversions@1031] Framefile pa**e succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: /recalbox/share/roms/daphne/38ambushalley.daphne/./ 2024-09-01 18:13:24.115 INFO [2722] [printline@96] Starting Singe version 1.82 2024-09-01 18:13:24.548 INFO [2722] [video::notify_stats@1827] Viewport Stats:|w:1920x1080|v:1920x1080|o:360x240|l:1920x1080|o 2024-09-01 18:13:40.255 INFO [2722] [printline@96] SINGE: sep_mpeg_get_pixel()