[SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox
@poppadum Thanks for the very detailed response and the time you have taken out of your free time to respond to me. Firstly i am a very inexperienced on the software side, but i love to learn. Unfortunately that might generate a lot more questions. I hope you don't mind and let me know if i become a pain.
I didn't know i needed to add any images, it just seemed to be working out of the box so to speak. I will look at the guide and see if i can add some images with the correct size and see if that works.
i don't have a lot of free time this week so there might be a delay getting back to you with questions or to let you know it is working
Thanks again and thanks for putting this project out there for everyone to use.
@leew said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
@poppadum Thanks for the very detailed response and the time you have taken out of your free time to respond to me. Firstly i am a very inexperienced on the software side, but i love to learn. Unfortunately that might generate a lot more questions. I hope you don't mind and let me know if i become a pain.
No problem at all - I'll try my best to help.
I didn't know i needed to add any images, it just seemed to be working out of the box so to speak. I will look at the guide and see if i can add some images with the correct size and see if that works.
It can use scraped images as a last resort, but I always intended to use images sized roughly to my marquee screen, so I just assumed everybody else would do too.
The are some docs in English (no other languages yet but I'm happy to add them if anyone wants to translate): see the README and probably the config guide.
I have uploaded some images with the correct aspect and i still see black bars top and bottom. with a very orunning the command fbset comes back with this
Not sure where to go from here?? Any help greatly received.
@poppadum ok so some more playing
by un hashing this line i got the resolution to show 1920x360 but it now pushes the image to the top of the screen
framebuffer_resolution_cmd = /usr/sbin/fbset -g ${global:marquee_width} ${global:marquee_height} ${global:marquee_width} ${global:marquee_height} 16this is how a 1920x360 image is showing
frustration is that the start up video is running full screen on this screen.
@leew said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
@poppadum ok so some more playing
by un hashing this line i got the resolution to show 1920x360 but it now pushes the image to the top of the screen
framebuffer_resolution_cmd = /usr/sbin/fbset -g ${global:marquee_width} ${global:marquee_height} ${global:marquee_width} ${global:marquee_height} 16That looks good - I get exactly the same output.
Bizarre: that looks like it's taking up exactly one-third of the height which is what it would do if it thought the resolution was 1920x1080.
Could you try stopping dynquee with
/etc/init.d/S32dynquee stop
double check your framebuffer resolution withfbset
then manually displaying that image with
fbv2 path/to/your/image
You could also try with another 1920x360 image such as:
https://virginia.byf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/pexels-photo-358483-1920x360.jpg -
@poppadum Thanks for your help on this. it seems to be an issue with the driver board for the screen. purchased another board and this seems to fix the image size issue but has created a white line down the middle of the screen. It seems i have two faulty boards! Have emailed the manufacturer to see if they can help.
@poppadum bonjour,
Sur la version 9.1 de recalbox , il y a la possibilité d'afficher des systèmes virtuels par genre en passant par les paramètres avancés\systèmes virtuels\systèmes virtuels par genre.
Quand je choisis par exemple le systèmes virtuels shoot em up, il apparait bien sur le menu de navigation mais j'arrive pas a afficher le marquée, comment dois-je renommé l'image .logo.png pour qu'il apparaissent ?
Merci par avance.
Cordialement -
@daniel6984 said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
@poppadum Quand je choisis par exemple le systèmes virtuels shoot em up, il apparait bien sur le menu de navigation mais j'arrive pas a afficher le marquée, comment dois-je renommé l'image .logo.png pour qu'il apparaissent ?
Il faut nommer les fichiers
par exemple:actionshootemup.01.png
Liste des SystemIds pour les systèmes virtuels:
favorites lightgun multiplayer action actionplatformer actionplatformshooter actionfirstpersonshooter actionshootemup actionshootwithgun actionfighting actionbeatemup actionstealth actionbattleroyale actionrythm adventure adventuretext adventuregraphics adventurevisualnovels adventureinteractivemovie adventurerealtime3d adventuresurvivalhorror rpg rpgaction rpgmmo rpgdungeoncrawler rpgtactical rpgjapanese rpgfirstpersonpartybased simulation simulationbuildandmanagement simulationlife simulationfishandhunt simulationvehicle simulationscifi strategy strategy4x strategyartillery strategyautobattler strategymoba strategyrts strategytbs strategytowerdefense strategywargame sports sportracing sportsimulation sportcompetitive sportfight pinball board casual digitalcard puzzleandlogic party trivia casino compilation demoscene educative
@poppadum said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
Merci infiniment
je comprend pourquoi ça ne s'affichai pas , je mettais action-shootemup a la place de actionshootemup
@POPPADUM Bonjour,
J'ai une question pour un ami, il a un rpi4 avec un RGB DUAL qui ce branche via les GPIO, il est brancher en péritel sur une petite télévision crt 14 pouces d'une résolution de 320x240 fréquence 15khz, il a voulu tester les marquees sur un écran lcd brancher en hdmi , mais les images apparaisse que sur la télévision crt, avez une astuce pour faire apparaitre les images marquee sur le lcd ?
Je vous remercie -
@daniel6984 said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
il a un rpi4 avec un RGB DUAL qui ce branche via les GPIO... il a voulu tester les marquees sur un écran lcd brancher en hdmi, mais les images apparaisse que sur la télévision crt
Pour le raspberry pi 4, les deux écrans HDMI partagent le framebuffer, mais il semble qu'avec un RGB Dual le framebuffer ne s'affiche que sur le CRT.
Pour Recalbox PC dynquee utilise
mpv --screen=2
pour afficher les images sur l'écran 2. Pourrait-il tester si cela fonctionne avec:mpv --screen=2 --loop <image.png>
@poppadum Bonjour,
merci beaucoup de nous avoir repondu.
Nous voulons tester la ligne que tu nous a donnée, nous somme que sur rpi4 , dans le .ini , ou faut-il insérer la ligne mpv --screen=2 --loop <image.png> ?
Merci encor pour ton aide -
@daniel6984 Pour tester c'est plus facile d'accéder au cli et d'entrer
mpv --screen=2 --loop /recalbox/share/dynquee/media/startup/startup.01.png
Ou modifiez
lignes 169-170:viewer = /usr/bin/mpv viewer_opts = --screen=2 --loop {file} -
@poppadum Bonjour
Merci beaucoup pour l'aide,
ont a essayer par le .ini, ont a bien l'image du startup sur l'écran lcd mais plus d'image sur le CRT et aucun mouvement d'image n'apparait quand ont va de droite a gauche, l'image startup reste fixe. -
@daniel6984 said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
aucun mouvement d'image n'apparait quand ont va de droite a gauche, l'image startup reste fixe
J'ai oublié qu'il faut aussi modifier (
ligne 174):terminate_viewer = yes
mais plus d'image sur le CRT
Tu vois rien sur le CRT, ni les images de marquee ni les jeux?
@poppadum Bonjour,
Avec la ligne terminate_viewer = yes, il y a bien l'image des marquees que sur le crt pendant le chargement du jeux, mais rien sur l'écran lcd -
Hi, I also had the same problem.
It seems that the ultra wide screen is not really 1920 x 360. I solved it by setting it to 1920 x 1080 by editing lines 14, 15 and 17013 # marquee resolution: change to suit your marquee screen 14 marquee_width = 1920 15 marquee_height = 1080 168 # path to image viewer executable & options 169 viewer = /usr/bin/fbv2 170 viewer_opts = --noinfo --enlarge --ignore-aspect {file}
Let me know if you solve at least partially
@daniel6984 said in [SOFT] dynquee: dynamic marquee for Recalbox:
Avec la ligne
terminate_viewer = yes
, il y a bien l'image des marquees que sur le crt pendant le chargement du jeux, mais rien sur l'écran lcdHmm
Et aussi rien sur l'écran lcd avec
viewer = /usr/bin/mpv viewer_opts = --screen=1 --loop {file} ?
@poppadum Awesome!!!
Where did you buy your LCD marquee? What dimensions?
@toniosj It's from CaisonLCD in China - model number DV190FBM.
It's a 19.1" panel with resolution 1920x360
Dimensions are 116mm(L) x 87.3mm(W) x 19mm(H)There are now quite a few different panels available on Amazon too.