Why i can't make pc engine isos work?
I downloaded 3 versions of the syscard3.pce, also, tried a lot of games but doesnt work. Why? i don't know. I just want to play chi no rinne but it looks imposible
Are you trying with one of these extensions: .pce/.cue/.ccd/.sgx or its respective .zip?
i can't find the games in .ccd or .sgx The .cue is the only one that load, but i return me to the main menu
Im having the same problems anyone found a solution or do PC Engine CD games just not work full stop on the new version?
Rename any uppercade extension on both bin/cue files to lower case. Edit your cue file and rename reference to bin file with the correct name (case included)
Thanks for the reply, ive changed the bin and cue file and managed to get to the CD rom screen it asks to press run to continue then I get a load error, the syscard3 is in the roms and bios directories along with the CD rom bios files and ive tried a different one but it still not working?
bios syscard3 to add in bios folder. Use recalbox-manager to drop bios file and check md5 : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/recalbox-manager-WEB-interface-(FR) What game do you try ?
R-Type and Dracula X, the syscard3 bios and md5 check out file in Recalbox Manager (ive even deleted the bios and tried a different one), any chance you could please tell me exactly how your files are named for any game you have working, totally baffled by this one its the only system I cannot get to work.
go to irc to help you : https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#recalbox