5 Mar 2023, 07:53

@Sesto2k Some ideas of what to check...

The init script that plays boot videos is /etc/init.d/S06splash.

There seem to be a few things that can cause it to skip boot videos:

  • if file /overlay/.configs/skipvideosplash exists
  • if file /tmp/.install.sh exists
  • if an upgrade image /boot/update/recalbox-*.img.xz exists

It also seems to run
/recalbox/scripts/recalbox-part.sh "share_internal"
and skip boot videos if the outputted file exists.

The script /etc/init.d/S30waitsplash can also stop boot videos. It seems to check the setting system.splash.length in /boot/recalbox-backup.conf; if set to 0 it kills the boot video immediately.