Updated rpi4 firmware and did a new clean install of recalbox 8.0.2.
Nothing included but the base install...no bios, no roms, nothing.
Tried to pair Bt controller without any avail. No driver worked (shanwan, official or bluez). ERT was disabled.
Attached the recalbox.conf if its usable. This is the log of the process:
Installed recalbox 8.0.2 (clean and clear installation, no bios, no rom, nothing on it but the default installation)
Now on to try to pair the controllers, the process will be as follows:
a) Connect controller (PS3 clone) with cable to the rpi4 2gb v1.5
b) Controller starts to blink (4 leds), recalbox notifies "GUO HUA PS· Gamepad has been plugged in."
c) Press P3 Button (central one) for five seconds -> Leds change from 4 leds blinking to only 2 leds blinking
d) Disconnect controller form the rpi, recalbox notifies "GUO HUA PS· Gamepad has been unplugged!"
e) All four leds start to blink in the hope of pairing (it previously on recalbox 7.2.2 only took two seconds to stop blinking and pair)
Lets go!
- Try to pair BT controller with a base recalbox --> FAILED
- Edit recalbox.conf and reboot before trying again -> FAILED
| |
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| controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 |
| |
| controllers.bluetooth.ertm=0 |
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| controllers.ps3.enabled=1 |
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| controllers.ps3.driver=bluez |
- Change to official driver -> FAILED
| |
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| controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 |
| |
| controllers.bluetooth.ertm=0 |
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| controllers.ps3.enabled=1 |
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| controllers.ps3.driver=official |
- Change to shanwan driver -> FAILED
| |
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| controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 |
| |
| controllers.bluetooth.ertm=0 |
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| |
| controllers.ps3.enabled=1 |
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| controllers.ps3.driver=shanwan |