25 Jan 2022, 13:12

I try to DIY my first arcade console.
I have already installed RecalBox 8.0 Electron.

I purchase 2 zero delay usb controllers with joystick and buttons from here:

The encoder is the same as here (I just put it cause the first link is from a Greek store)

I cannot configure it with the RecalBox. When I try to configure the controller I cannot skip the buttons I don't use.
I have the joystick and 6+2 buttons so I have to skip the up+down+left+right and configure the joystick up and left.
I try to hold a button for skip (as the instructions) but when I push it (and hold it) it doesn't skip it but just add it.

Is there anyone who used this encoder with RecalBox so can give me tips of how can I make it work.

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards