@21stcentury See if these helps:
RPi3 and Recalbox 8.0.2 freeze solution.
I don't know if this is the right way to correct this problem. If someone tries it, he tries it at his own risk.
In the
partition, on theconfig.txt
file, i change the 3 lines of :dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d
to be
save the file and restart. I am testing the system two hours now without a freeze so far.
@alphay It doesn't work for me
@21stcentury See if these helps:
Thank you so much, this seems to have worked for me. I changed all three instances of "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" to "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" and I've gone an hour now with no freezes.
@alphay Same problem here with Recalbox 8.0.2 and RBP3B+, no sound at emustation and when you launch a game it gets freezes. So, Is it safe to change dtoverlay to vc4-fkms-v3d? What is this for? I hope that this issue would be solved at next version…
@astur66 It's like your are using an older version of display driver. It is harmless and you can revert back anytime. It is a temporary solution until the developers released a proper fix .
O meu Rasberry Pi 3 B+ estava travando quando estrava em um jogo ou quando saio de algum menu. Fiz esse procedimento e até o momento não travou mais. Obrigado pela Dica.