Bluetooth don’t found any device after first pairing
@charger I don’t have Neo Geo games but I played mame, snes or whatever and then turn off the controller and turn on again and it pairs. But only with the one I paired the first time I connected the csl bluetooth dongle. My problem is that bluetooth don’t find any bluetooth device just the first I paired. Seems like something was wrong with the bluettoth management after connect the CSL dongle. @Zing do you know if maybe there is something to do with the csl nano bluetooth 4.0 dongle? I need to disable the internal bluetooth or whatever?
This is very strange (maybe due to dongle): I've even try with batocera and I haven't any problem at all, only with recalbox8.
So I think to move to batocera until this issue is fixed.
do you know if maybe there is something to do with the csl nano bluetooth 4.0 dongle? I need to disable the internal bluetooth or whatever?
nespi 4 case
See if this helps:
it is related to recalbox which no longer allows any type of controller
You're wrong, I don't have any problems with my joystick. And it's a cheap unbranded joystick.
It's not because you have a problem that you should generalize, please stop discouraging others just because you have a problem and you don't have the patience, if you keep doing this I will take more drastic some games (neogeo) --> VERY IMPORTANT
Why? You seem to know something no one else does.
If I didn't play any games, gamepad reconnection works well even after turn off,
Following the same logic as you: for me it didn't happen, so you're wrong.
@zing I followed this nespi 4 case installation tutorial when I installed the case just after a fresh install of recalbox 8 stable version. About the other topic, I think it is not related to my case.
Just for clarify, my CSL USB Nano Bluetooth V4.0 dongle is working always with the dualshock 4 paired in my first atttempt of using the bluetooth dongle, I can reboot, shut down and always will work even if I try to forget it through the Forget Controllers option or deleting manually through the config file with emulation estation stopped.
The problem is that trying to pair another one no controller is found, in fact the pairing process doesn't find any bluetooth device and it is sure that is not working well because previously when I tried to pair always have a 4 or 5 bluetooth devices in the list as well as the controller (my apple mouse, my phone, etc....).
So it is like the bluetooth don't do the job when I attempt to search for bluetooth devices.
@Zing what I can try this weekend is to do a new fresh install in a sd and try to begin from zero because I think something went wrong when the first auto configuration of my dongle was done the first time I connected it.
Thanks for your help! I will keep you updated! -
what I can try this weekend is to do a new fresh install in a sd and try to begin from zero because I think something went wrong when the first auto configuration of my dongle was done the first time I connected it.
I recommend you reset the joystick physically (there's a tiny button somewhere on the joystick, you need something like a toothpick to get it pressed). And, test without the Bluetooth adapter, as your test is about the pairing issue, not the lag.
@zing If that logic is good for you, so is good for me.
Recalbox is bugged, cause here doesn't works: so I discourage use it, cause official community doesn't help, but simply say "in my house, it works, so no problem".
@charger I'm sure no one told you that, I'm sure the Recalbox community is better than other retrogaming systems, and I'm sure Recalbox is a great OS, for me it's the best.
This is the Recalbox forum, offered to you for free, maintained by people helping for free, it's not fair that you try to mess up and belittle the service of others just because something doesn't suit you.
If you're not here to help the community, then at least don't talk bad about Recalbox, don't discourage any more users, or I'll ban you.
I have this exact problem since upgrading to version 8. Wired, Bluetooth and my 8Bitdo arcade stick I was using with the 2.4 wireless dongle. None of them work after playing a game and disconnecting them. I’m forced to restart Emulation Station from Recalbox Manager to get it working again.
@itiki I'm sorry to heat that no one, in more than one week, has reply about that problem. I've post even debug logs, but nothing...silence.
The only thing I got is being scolded because I wouldn't be cooperative....
I'm sorry to heat that no one, in more than one week, has reply about that problem. I've post even debug logs, but nothing...silence.
The problem is being properly analyzed by the developers, we have a small team of developers who do their best to better serve. You are not being ignored as you imply.
The only thing I got is being scolded because I wouldn't be cooperative....
Yes, and you will be scolded again if you insist on an anti-collaborative attitude.
@itiki Remap your joystick in the emulationstation to ensure it's not just a mapping problem.
8Bitdo arcade stick
Please check if this helps:
I've tried remapping but it doesn't work. On a fresh boot or a restart of Emulation Station the controllers work perfectly. However, if I play a game then leave or unplug the controller and plug it back in, the controller is completely unresponsive, it doesn't matter what kind of controller is connected or by what method.
On the 8Bitdo's the light on the controller even shows its connected but it is completely unresponsive.
This has only happened since I upgraded to version 8. Before this I had no issues with any of the controllers, and even now they work fine... as long as I don't unplug them or let them go to sleep.
Prior to this the only weirdness I experienced with my SN30 pro+ was that while is one of the game/system lists the list would randomly jump around between games. No issues playing the games or while in the main screen. This issue still exists but not a deal breaker. The controller connection issue has become a major headache, I'm hoping this gets fixed in the next update.
@itiki I think it's related to this problem: -
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00