@countertop Unzipping the games solved noboot problem on glide64mk2, gliden64 and n64. Games are still unbootable on parallel_64. Also in n64 I get only audio output and no video. Average performance is better with glide64mk2.
No OC at all.
Hi all. I am trying to create the most stable smooth n64 emulation for my system.
Ther is no OC involved, even my system has cooling and could go with basic OC if ist safe enough.
If I go try to choose a different core for any game on my N64 rooster, it seems that only two are able to launch the game:
These two seem to launch games. The parallel seems to be better but with graphic glitches (Zelda oot has some that are bad), so this is why i was trying to launch any of the other two
These last two don't work with any game. I don't know if I am doing something wrong just going over the game->start->edit game->lauch with-> choose core.
Any insight on this and suggestions on how to improve N64 over rpi4 (overall zeldas and mario) is greatly appreciated.
@countertop Unzipping the games solved noboot problem on glide64mk2, gliden64 and n64. Games are still unbootable on parallel_64. Also in n64 I get only audio output and no video. Average performance is better with glide64mk2.
No OC at all.
I’m having similar issues except I’m using a pi3. The only emulator I can get working is libretro parallel.
My speeds are decent if I set the n64 video mode in the config to CEA 1 HDMI.
For example mk 4 is totally playable except for some missing layers (like the health and timer bar).
I haven’t tried unzipping the rom files yet though.
I just tried with unzipped files and the other emulators for n64 now play the roms. While their emulation is more accurate they aren’t playable.