Cannot copy roms over to Recalbox folder using Network Share.
Hi, experimenting right now with different emulators to see which one I feel more comfortable with. Finished looking at RetroPie so now I'm trying Recalbox. The issue I'm having is I am not able to copy roms from my PC to the roms folder over my Network Share. After installing Recalbox, I enabled WIFI and I'm connected to the internet. On my PC, I am able to access Recalbox over the network. But when I try and copy some roms from my PC over to the MAME roms folder I get the message "An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder". The roms are not large. They are about 1MB in size. Originally, I thought the destination roms folder was write-protected but I was able to copy a JPG file over there. The roms are in ZIP format so that should be OK. I did not have any issue copying roms over with RetroPie so I'm probably missing a setting or missing doing something in Recalbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are some details below. Thanks.
Board model: Raspberry Pi 4 model B 4GB
Recalbox version: 7.2.2 reloaded
Hardware: Windows PC 10, Samsung EVO Plus 64gb SD card, Generic power supply meeting minimum requirements. -
"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder"
This appears to be a Windows bug, it doesn't seem to be directly related to RECALBOX itself.
Have you ever tried to search for the error code on the Microsoft forum?
It's easy to find several similar reports, but ideally you search for the error code on the microsoft forum:
A workaround is to test transfer with WinSCP
@zing , thank you for your suggestion. I find it strange that I'm able to copy other files into the roms folder though. This must have something to do with the zip extension. I'll post back with a solution if I find one.
Just to provide a solution to this issue which is very strange. More details below. But the solution was what "Zing" mentioned. I was able to access my SD card on my Raspberry Pi using WinSCP. Thanks Zing.
But I believe it's an issue with a combination of the (Zip files, Windows, and Recalbox). Here is what's happening. If I try and transfer the same files over to my RetroPie box, no issue. I am able to copy. If I download from the same site an individual rom instead of the entire romset, I am able to copy that rom over to my Recalbox without WinSCP.
So there is something about those roms that I already expanded previously where I can't transfer those roms to Recalbox.
But I believe it's an issue with a combination of the (Zip files, Windows, and Recalbox).
If you for example try to transfer from Linux to Recalbox you won't have a problem, and as you can see in the links I posted above, other users have this problem on Windows (and they are not Recalbox users).
So, I can say that the problem is just Windows.I was able to access my SD card on my Raspberry Pi using WinSCP. Thanks Zing.
I'm glad you managed to resolve the issue, thanks for the feedback.
Apologies if Im missing something, but why not just stick the microSD card (with adapter) into your PC, or plug in the usb stick / HD, and copy the files over in seconds, rather than over a network?
On 7.0 and above, the ROM partition is readable on a PC.
Thats what I do, as my setup is 290gig. -
@rustymg , thanks for the suggestion. I believe I tried that and my Windows 10 did not see the ROM partition. Or it did see the ROM partition but my PC was not recognizing the correct storage on my card and therefore showed that I had less storage space than what I was copying over. I will try again this weekend. But I thought I was only seeing the ROM partition using the Network.
You need to "add" the partition, but it takes literally seconds.
Your looking for, more than likely, the largest unassigned partition.
Where he says "Go to disk management", just search for "diskmgmt" in the windows search box - that's it. -
@rustymg , thanks for the link. I will look into this option.
You can reach disk management on Windows 10 with a right click on the Windows logo on the desktop