Raspberry PI 3
We can have some hopes for reicast! You can saw many videos of games working pretty good on rpi2 except a lot of sound issues.
its not working on rpi3... waiting the new compilation.. reggards
nice performance with openelec
@jose-manuel-guillen what do you mean it's not working ? You tried the 4.0.0beta1 ? Of course it can't work out of the box : the board has a new revision number, so NOOBS doesn't know if it's a pi0 or a pi2. You should check with digitalLumberjack on how to get the board number and how to add it to the installation SD
which features will be implemented on RP3? Is there a roadmap for it?
haha we didn't test it so .... we can't answer
Hi, I have a Raspberry Pi 3 in my sweaty little hands desperate to try Recalbox out on it, when is this likely to be available? Cheers Eddie
Unfortunately not booting on my brand new PI3 :sad: just the rainbow screen. same with another SD card with open elec and Kodi, but i am still on open elec 6.0.2 - just read that there was a 6.0.3 release for the RP3
Personally, I know it won't work on my Raspi 3 either, and I didn't even test it myself. So how do I know? I know because a dev said so on literally the first post after OP. They also said they would be receiving their units today and be working on an update during the week-end. So please let the guys do their work and don't pester them. The less pestering, the fewer distraction, the sooner results. Also, maybe try and read up on a thread once in a while. Thanks.
There was a lot of "maybes" and "even ifs" and "we don't know". I just tested it and it didn't work over here. You're such a disgusting smartass, it was hard for me not to vomit reading your post. Please try to school someone else. Thanks.
Please don't hate. That makes me code slower.
I'm sorry. I just don't like people who talk to me in an arrogant way. Please don't feel disturbed and code on.
keep calm and not disturb the coders! anyway..pi3 will run fine mame2010-libretro?
Looking forward to a release for my Pi3! Thanks