@chuckyz It's hard to say exactly what to do, especially since I don't have the same hardware to test, but here's the possibilities:
- You said you had a very old version, and you just updated to the latest version... which files did you copy in the process?
On this subject, watch this video (turn on subtitles):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skeULeTu7p8&list=PL2oNQ0AT7fx2ExiSNrfHUzga5GnogI4sh&index=18&ab_channel=RecalboxRecalbox - About going back to the default joystick settings, see if it helps:
Also, you can do a factory reset (accessible via the Emulationstation's advanced settings menu), this will keep all your personal files, but will erase all your custom settings. - A button should not be recognized as 2 different buttons, you need to be SURE that the problem is not a bad connection, because the vast majority of users who have this type of control and have problems, the problem is a wrong connection.
You need to read these tutorials:
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/tutorials/controllers/configuration-test/test-your-joystick-with-sdl2-jstest
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/tutorials/controllers/gpio/gpio-controls/gpio-joystick-driver-for-raspberry-pi
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/tutorials/controllers/configuring-custom-buttons/how-to-customize-controller-mapping
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/tutorials/controllers/configuring-custom-buttons/create-a-custom-configuration-by-emulator